balmy(refreshing, mild, temperate, moderate)\\ humid(damp, moist): The humid weather made everyone sticky and uncomfortable.\\ humidity(moisture)\\ damp(wet, moist) Tony wiped the counter with a damp rag.\\ dank(damp, clammy): Our cellar is dank and dark.\\ moisture\\ saturate: Don't forget to saturate the meat in the mixture of oil and herbs.\\ drought(aridity, dry period, prolonged lack of rain): The lawns turned brown and the trees lost their leaves during the drought.\\ arid(barren, infertile, dry): The desert is an arid place.\\ chilly: It is a bit chilly outside today.\\ chill: A freezing draft gave everyone in the room a chill.\\ frigid(icy, freezing): The Eskimos are used to frigid weather.\\ serene: In the countryside people can enjoy serene skies and clean air.\\ tepid(lukewarm, warm): The coffee that was hot fifteen minutes ago is now tepid.\\ gale(storm, tempest)\\ hurricane(twister, tornado)\\ atmosphere: The Smith's favorite restaurant has a friendly, relaxed atmosphere.\\ climate(weather, atmosphere): The climate in this part of the country is very mild.\\ barometer(indicator): A barometer is useful in predicting the weather.\\ breeze\\ blast(gust, blow): The leaves were lifted into the air by a sudden blast of wind.\\ whirlwind\\ typhoon\\ tornado\\ meteorology\\ troposphere\\ current\\ funnel\\ smog\\ fog(frog)\\ precipitate: It's supposed to precipitate today, so bring an umbrella.\\ precipitation\\ drizzle(rain, sprinkle): Today it drizzled and was cold.\\ blizzard\\ dew\\ downpour\\ droplet\\ frost: The cold has frosted the windows.\\ vapor\\ tempest\\ shower\\ hail\\ condense: Steam condenses to water when it touches a cold surface.\\ crystal\\ Our greatest glory consists not in never falling but in rising every time we fall. --Goldsmith