contagious(catching, infectious): Cancer is not contagious, so you shouldn't be afraid to touch someone with cancer. catching(contagious, infectious): Mary is quite catching on campus. infect(spread, affect): The new disease will be sure to infect the population. infectious(contagious) contract(infect): She contracted a serious illness. acute: Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) is taking it toll on China's tour industry. feverish: Your forehead feels very hot. Are you feverish? invalid morbid(sick, diseased): The patient has a morbid imagination that made his illness worse. numb(senseless, dead) unconscious fragile: He's feeling a bit fragile after last night's party. susceptible(vulnerable, exposed): Infants and the elderly are more susceptible to illness than other people. malady corpse: The mortician dressed and made up the corpse. gash: The doctor stitched up the gash on Anne's arm. symptom(sign, indication): One symptom of the disease is high fever. fracture bleed: Your cut will bleed if you pick the scab. tingle: The uncertainty of national events made his blood tingle. recur(repeat, return): Really scared by SARS, the world is frightened at the news that it is recurring this spring. relapse(recur): Her disease relapsed once she returned to her home. bruise: Mary got a bruise where she bumped against the table. fester(decay): It's lucky that the wound did not fester. intoxicate: He was intoxicated by many awards he received and ceased his step toward the peak of his career. survive(outlive, remain): Those who survived rebuilt the city. diagnose(analyze): A pathologist diagnosed the fatal virus. diagnosis inject(infuse): The dog fell on the ground after being injected. heal(cure, recover): The wound soon healed under the care of the nurse. remedy(cure, rectify): The doctor tried all means to remedy the beloved man. treatment prescription dissect: Bill dissected a small shark in anatomy class. sterile(sanitary) clinic anatomy healthful(wholesome) condition(circumstance): My shoes are in bad condition and need to be replaced. hygiene(sanitation): The dentist instructed his patients on dental hygiene. sanitation physical sustenance: For sustenance, the vegetarian ate fruits, nuts, and vegetables. malnourished nutrition mental spiritual subject