[ti:] [ar:] [al:] [00:13.83]shrub(bush) [00:17.81]laurel [00:21.90]prairie [00:29.04]sequoia [00:33.57]herb [00:38.13]plant [00:43.12]fern [00:47.15]orchid [00:52.97]rosette [00:58.46]germinate(sprout): After the seeds germinated, I transplanted them to a larger pot. [01:09.93]sprout(bud, burgeon, germinate): The plants sprouted from the ground a week after I planted them. [01:21.80]timber(lumber, wood, timbre) [01:27.62]cluster(bunch, concentrate): A cluster of strawberries grew in the field. [01:39.06]bunch [01:43.36]bark [01:46.77]twig(small branch, wig): Some insects will mime a twig when in danger. [01:55.38]bough [02:00.37]branch [02:05.08]stem [02:11.75]stalk [02:18.83]trunk [02:23.98]leafstalk [02:27.55]leaflet [02:32.53]bud: The trees budded in early April. [02:41.15]flower [02:46.17]foliage [02:51.63]petal [02:54.56]cell [02:58.56]tissue: The tissues of the body constitute the organ. [03:05.85]husk [03:09.95]pollen [03:15.87]root [03:19.54]log(wood, timber): If you roll my log, I will roll yours, we help each other. [03:28.99]flora [03:32.92]botany: Mary liked plants so much that she decided to study botany at the university. [03:44.16]botanical [03:50.35]crossbreed [03:59.06]necrosis [04:04.42]peel: Her sunburned skin began to peel. [04:18.37]photosynthesis [04:22.61]pollinate: Many crops need bees to pollinate them. [04:32.11]pollination [04:36.73]seeds [04:41.87]shell: The chef was shelling oysters. [04:50.33]shoot: Rose bushes shoot again after being cut back. [05:00.86]starch [05:04.86]vitamin [05:10.41]luxuriant