[00:09]笨拙 [00:13]awkward adj. 笨拙的,尴尬的(clumsy, inept) [00:15]【例】The growing teenager went through an awkward stage. [00:21]clumsy adj. 笨拙的,愚笨的(awkward) [00:27]【例】The clumsy waiter dropped my dinner on the floor. [00:32]inert adj. 不活泼(immobile, inactive);迟钝的 【记】in(不) + ert(动) -> 迟钝的 [00:38]blunt adj. 迟钝的 v. 使变钝 [00:44]【例】The knife were too blunt to cut through the tough meat. [00:50]torpid adj. 迟钝的;不活泼的(lethargic, sluggish) [00:55]【例】The giant panda, after lunch, seems torpid and reluctant to entertain the spectators. [01:03]silly adj. 傻的,糊涂的 [01:08]idiotic adj. 愚蠢的 [01:12]fatuous adj. 愚昧的(foolish, stupid, indolent) 【记】fatu(笨) + ous -> 愚昧的 [01:17]hoax n. / vt. 愚弄(trick, prank) 【记】比较coax(哄骗) [01:20]【例】April Fools' Day is a popular time to play hoaxes.