aptitude n,才能(talent knack) I have no musical aptitude and I can't even sing a simple tune vigor n.精力(energy ehtusiasm) caliber n.品质(quality capacity ability talent) Students are suggested to bring with them tea of high caliber quality n.品质(trait calibre) temperament n.气质 性情(disposition nature) stamina n.体力 精力(endurance) Wrestling tests one's agility and stamina talent n.天才 才能 人才(gift aptitude knack) confidence n.信心 The patient had confidence in her surgeon's skills disposition n.性情(temperament nature) The happy clerk had a pleasant disposition mass n.质量 ability n,能力(capability) versatile adj.通用的 万能的 多才多艺的 多面手的 power n.能力 力量