[ti:] [ar:] [al:] [00:15.14]cabbage n.甘蓝 卷心菜 [00:20.12]carrot n.胡萝卜 [00:23.76]celery n.旱芹 芹菜 [00:27.96]cereal n.谷类食品 谷类 [00:33.13]corn n.<美>玉米 <英>谷物 五谷 [00:38.62]cucumber n.黄瓜 [00:42.44]grain n.谷物 谷类 谷粒细粒 颗粒 粮食 [00:51.75]leek n.韭 [00:55.20]lettuce n.莴苣 生菜 [01:00.69]millet n.稷 粟 [01:06.29]mustard n.芥菜 芥末 [01:11.22]oats n.燕麦 燕麦片 [01:16.41]onion n.洋葱 [01:19.67]pea n.豌豆 [01:22.58]peanut n.花生 [01:25.83]pepper n.胡椒粉 [01:29.59]potato n.马铃薯 [01:33.34]pumpkin n.南瓜 [01:37.66]radish n.萝卜 [01:40.99]rice n.稻 米 [01:45.24]rye n.裸麦 黑麦 [01:48.99]sesame n.芝麻 [01:52.74]soybean n.大豆 [01:56.57]spinach n.菠菜 [02:00.70]tomato n.番茄 西红柿 [02:05.13]wheat n.小麦 小麦色 [02:09.14]edible adj.可食的(eatable comestible) [02:12.65]The cake was garnished with edible decorations [02:17.33]bland adj.(食物等)无刺激性的(mild gentle) [02:21.20]Mary added spices to the bland dishes [02:25.94]seasoning n.调味品 佐料(flavoring spice) [02:31.11]condiment n.调味品 [02:34.62]The only condiments I like on my hamburger are ketchup and mustard [02:40.71]butter n.奶油 [02:43.85]chop n.排骨 [02:46.99]cuisine n.烹调 [02:50.99]The restaurant served cuisine from Thailand [02:56.15]dessert n.甜点 [03:00.58]Dessert is the last course of a meal [03:04.28]beverage n.饮料 [03:07.97]What sort of beverages should we serve at the party? [03:13.39]diet n.饮食 食物 v.节食 [03:19.67]Pizza was the staple of the college students' diet [03:25.27]nutriment n.营养品 [03:29.27]nibble vt.细咬 细食 [03:33.77]The fish were nibbling at the bait [03:37.27]imbibe vt.饮(absorb assimilate) [03:41.15]Grandpa imbibed a bit of wine each night [03:45.58]scoop n.勺子 v.舀 [03:50.74]He used his bare hands to scoop up water from the river [03:56.96]barley n.大麦 [04:00.52]beet n.甜菜 甜菜根 [04:05.02]broccoli n.椰菜