cabbage n.甘蓝 卷心菜 carrot n.胡萝卜 celery n.旱芹 芹菜 cereal n.谷类食品 谷类 corn n.<美>玉米 <英>谷物 五谷 cucumber n.黄瓜 grain n.谷物 谷类 谷粒细粒 颗粒 粮食 leek n.韭 lettuce n.莴苣 生菜 millet n.稷 粟 mustard n.芥菜 芥末 oats n.燕麦 燕麦片 onion n.洋葱 pea n.豌豆 peanut n.花生 pepper n.胡椒粉 potato n.马铃薯 pumpkin n.南瓜 radish n.萝卜 rice n.稻 米 rye n.裸麦 黑麦 sesame n.芝麻 soybean n.大豆 spinach n.菠菜 tomato n.番茄 西红柿 wheat n.小麦 小麦色 edible adj.可食的(eatable comestible) The cake was garnished with edible decorations bland adj.(食物等)无刺激性的(mild gentle) Mary added spices to the bland dishes seasoning n.调味品 佐料(flavoring spice) condiment n.调味品 The only condiments I like on my hamburger are ketchup and mustard butter n.奶油 chop n.排骨 cuisine n.烹调 The restaurant served cuisine from Thailand dessert n.甜点 Dessert is the last course of a meal beverage n.饮料 What sort of beverages should we serve at the party? diet n.饮食 食物 v.节食 Pizza was the staple of the college students' diet nutriment n.营养品 nibble vt.细咬 细食 The fish were nibbling at the bait imbibe vt.饮(absorb assimilate) Grandpa imbibed a bit of wine each night scoop n.勺子 v.舀 He used his bare hands to scoop up water from the river barley n.大麦 beet n.甜菜 甜菜根 broccoli n.椰菜