[ti:] [ar:] [al:] [00:12.56]indigenous adj.固有的(aboriginal native) [00:16.18]The indigenous people of the area know which plants are safe to eat and which are poisonous [00:24.27]intrinsic adj.本质的(substantive) 本身的 [00:29.57]Paying careful attention and responding quickly are intrinsic parts of good driving [00:37.49]radical adj.根本的 [00:41.61]The American Revolution is not a radical one, but a gradual evolution [00:49.63]radically adv.根本上(basically) [00:53.88]rudimentary adj.根本的 低级的(undeveloped elementary primitive unsophisticated) [00:59.12]I took a rudimentary cooking class in high school [01:04.04]inherent adj.固有的(innate intrinsic) [01:08.03]inherently adv.天性地 固有地(intrinsically fundamentally basically) [01:12.91]objective adj.客观的 [01:17.09]internal adj.内在的(inside interior) [01:21.00]incisive adj.深刻的(profound) [01:25.19]His incisive criticism gave us a thorough understanding of Dicksen's writings [01:32.26]substantive adj.实质性的(actual) [01:36.88]An accident is just the appearance; a malicious murder is actually substantive [01:44.83]innate adj.天生的(inborn inherent) [01:48.16]The singer had an innate talent for music [01:53.32]inborn adj.天生的(innate) [01:57.93]Man's ability to compute is far from inborn, you have to acquire after birth [02:06.17]instinctive adj.天生的 本能的(impulsive spontaneous) [02:11.33]crude adj.未提炼的 生的(raw unpolished unprocessed) [02:16.50]spontaneous adj.自发的 本能的(impulsive involuntary) [02:20.92]There was the spontaneous applause at the end of Mary's speech [02:26.34]interior n.内部(inside inner) [02:29.87]The building's interior needed to be repaired [02:34.93]attribute n.性质(characteristic, quality, trait) [02:38.72]As a great leader, generosity is his first attribute [02:44.27]abstruse adj.深奥的(complicated profound)