[ti:] [ar:] [al:] [00:13.99]comparative adj.比较的 [00:17.90]Bill is a comparative stranger in town. He has just moved here [00:25.22]comparable adj.可比的 类似的(similar) [00:30.63]I suggested two comparable solutions to the problem [00:36.52]similar adj.相似的 类似的(comparable) [00:41.43]dissimilar adj.不相似的 不同的(different) [00:46.97]Your children are so dissimilar; it is hard to believe they are related [00:54.22]subordinate adj.次要的 附属的(inferior secondary) [00:59.93]Pleasure should be subordinate to duty [01:04.40]monotonous adj.单调的(boring dull) [01:08.58]typical adj.典型的 代表性的(ordinary) [01:13.57]My aunt just moved to Beijing; she is not a typical Beijing local [01:20.69]invert vt.倒转(overturn reverse) [01:24.98]I inverted the glasses so the water would drain out of them [01:30.52]inverse adj.反的(contrary opposite) [01:34.62]preferable adj.更好的 [01:38.78]A preferable option is to store the food in a refrigerator rather than throw it away [01:46.60]approximate adj.近似的(proximate) [01:50.47]What is the approximate travel time from your house to your job? [01:56.74]coordinate adj.同等的 并列的(equal juxtaposed) [02:02.39]John only speaks to those who are coordinate with him in ranks [02:08.28]homogeneous adj,同类的 相似的(uniform same) [02:13.69]The population of the small town was homogeneous, mostly merchants and laborers [02:20.93]identical adj.同一的(tantamount same) [02:24.68]Bill and John have identical briefcases, and sometimes Bill picks up John's briefcase by mistake [02:33.59]peerless adj.无与伦比(matchless unparalleled) [02:37.47]equal adj.相等的 同样的(equivalent) [02:42.34]Put an equal amount of sugar into both bowls [02:47.42]equate vt.使相等 视为同等 [02:52.45]It's a mistake to equate wealth with happiness [02:57.48]equivalent adj.相等的 n.等同品(counterpart match) [03:02.84]Both of them expressed their agreement with equivalent statements [03:08.30]I lost the necklace borrowed from Jenny, and I didn't have any equvialent to return to her [03:16.42]intermediate adj.中级的 [03:20.71]neutral adj.中性的;中立的(nonaligned) [03:25.20]backward adj/adv 退步的 相反的 [03:29.56]The senator's backward views were very uneducated [03:34.79]relatively adv.相关地 相对地(comparatively) [03:40.00]The SMART car has an engine relatively powerful to its weight [03:45.84]shade n.差别(difference) [03:50.27]If you want to write well, frequently distinguish the fine shades between words [03:57.21]reproduction n.复制品(copy) [04:01.57]Don't get yourself cheated; the vase is only a reproduction [04:07.66]inferior n,次品 adj.自卑的 劣等的 [04:14.22]No inferior products should be allowed to pass [04:19.51]sample n.范例 样品(specimen) [04:24.42]medium n.媒介 中间 adj.中等的 [04:30.27]counterpart n.相对物 极相似之物(equivalent correspondent) [04:36.17]In London, the counterpart of the New York subway is called the "tube" [04:43.18]midst n.中间 prep.在...之间(during undergoing) [04:49.44]contrast n.对比(着重于相异处) [04:53.87]Today's rain is a sharp contrast to yesterday's sunshine [04:59.95]compare vt.比较 比喻 [05:04.98]If you compare this book with that one, you will find that one is larger [05:12.18]Bob compared Mary's messy hair to a bird's nest [05:19.04]copy vt.复制 模仿(imitate) [05:23.96]Bill copied the original article for his personal use [05:30.23]imitate vt.模仿(copy mimic) [05:34.24]Anne imitated the famous artist's style in her own paintings [05:40.20]resemble vt.像 类似 [05:44.75]Mary resembles her mother in many ways [05:49.66]affinity n.类似处(similarity) [05:53.30]There is a close affinity between apes and monkeys