exception n.例外 Everyone passed the math test, with the exception of Tom exceptional adj.例外的 The exceptional tennis player won the championship relieved adj.免除的(exempted) extra adj.额外的(additional surplus) extraneous adj.无关的(irrelevant unrelated) 外来的 The editor cut the extraneous material from the first chapter irrelevant adj.离题的 无关的(impertinent extraneous) Bob's comments about religion were irrelevant to our discussion about politics exclude vt.把...排除之外(rule out) Please don't exclude grains from your diet exclusive adj.排外的 独占的(prohibitive restrictive) The CNN covered this moving story exclusively exclusion n.除外(omission) The contract covers everything with no exclusion stated unconventional adj.破例的 external adj.外部的(exterior) The crab's external shell must be removed before you eat the meat inside impertinent adj.无关的(unrelated) Don't talk anything impertinent to the main issue besides adv.除了(还有) Besides hot dogs, we had potato salad scope n.范围 余地(range extent) There is not much scope for imagination in his tedious job span n.跨度 vt.跨越(cover reach across) content n.内容(matter) save prep.除了(except) For money, the selfish gangster would kill anyone save himself deviate v.出轨 离题(deflect diverge) I do not like to deviate from the set schedule digress vi.离开本题(deviate,turn away) Mary digressed and forgot what she was originally talking about embrace vt.包含 拥抱(hug cuddle) Computer software develops like this: the new version should embrace the former ones The students tearfully embraced each other on their last day of school cover vt.包括 His lecture covers all aspects of that language comprise vt.包括(constitue contain consist of be made up of) The committee comprises seven persons bias vt.使...偏离 The government used newspapers and the radio to bias the opinions of the people deflect vt.使...偏离 The ball hit a wall and was deflected from its course embody vt.体现 包含(include incorporate) The monitor embodied his idea in a short speech accommodate vt.容纳(contain load) This elevator accommodates twelve people preclude vt.排除 防止(prevent prohibit) Modesty precludes me from accepting the honor