faint 模糊的 I stayed up until I saw faint rays of light from the rising sun. gloom 黑暗 gloomy 暗的 dark, dim It's looking gloomy outside. You'd better take an umbrella. luninous 发光的 光亮的 glowing, bright The astronomer gazed at the luminous star. illuminate 照亮 照明 Could you please illuminate your theory with a little more explanation? Cleverly-made attacks can often serve to illuminate important differences between candidates, as well as entertain the voters. dingy 昏暗的 dim 昏暗的 朦胧的 faint, vague Mike's eyes adjusted to the dim room. obscure 模糊的 unclear Alchemists made these symbols purposely obscure. They don't want people to know all this. vague 模糊的 含糊的 imprecise, elementary, obscure, ambiguous Tom evaded Jane's question by giving her a vague answer. dusky 微暗的 肤色黑的 dim, dark The dusky light makes the old house look horrible. extinct 熄灭的 glaring 耀眼的 dazzling (glare瞪) dazzling 耀眼的 The dazzling dress looked stunning on the mannequin(服装模特,人体模特). dismal 阴暗的 Mary cried during the dismal movie. glossy 有光泽的 smooth, lustrous. I polished the silver until it was glossy again. luster 光彩 光泽 brightness, distinction, radiance galze 使光滑 Sue glazed the pottery and waited for it to dry. flare 闪耀 glare, shine (flame火焰) A match flares in the darkness. burnish 磨光 使光滑 polish The craftsman(工匠 艺术家) burnished the brass plates(黄铜名牌) until they glowed (发光发热). flicker 闪烁 flutter, waver The candle fickered in the wind. brighten 使发光 A little furniture polish(家具打光料) will brighten that old table. gleam 使闪光 闪烁 glimmer, flash It shone with gold and gleamed with ivory (象牙(色)). extinguish 熄灭 John extinguished the campfire with water. ablaze 闪耀的 gleaming, glowing twinkle 闪耀 闪烁 (使)闪光 The stars twinkled in the sky.