[00:11.79]due 到期的 预定的 约定的 [00:16.81]The bill was due two weeks ago, but I forgot to pay it [00:22.82]Their plane is due in 15 minutes. [00:27.05]cursory 仓促的 hurried (curs跑+ory) [00:31.88]The reviewer gave a cursory report about the uninteresting book. [00:38.20]perennial 长久的 永远的 permanent, long-lasting, year-round [00:43.93]chronic 长期的 慢性的 recurring, periodic (chron时间+ic) [00:49.57]Mike said a chronic disease troubled John in his whole life. [00:56.02]lasting 持久的 enduring, long-term, continuing [01:00.05]everlasting 永恒的 持久的 [01:03.42]hasty 匆忙 rushed [01:07.14]transitory 短暂的 temporary, momentary [01:11.64]transient 短暂的 过路的 temporary, short-term [01:16.09]He made a transient stay at the hotel. [01:21.01]obsolete 过时的 偶然的 disused, outmoded (ob不+solete使用) [01:26.16]This new computer rendered my old one obsolete. [01:31.42]extemporaneous 即席的 impromptu, improvised [01:35.46]I gave an extemporaneous lecture because the invited speaker was late. [01:42.14]urgent 紧急的 迫切的 imperative [01:47.14]It is urgent that food and clothing be sent to the refugees. [01:53.13]pressing 紧迫的 urgent [01:56.91]immediate 立即的 instant (im无+medi中间+ate) [02:00.19]forthright 立即的 [02:04.18]The critic gave the forthright criticism to the director of the film. [02:10.02]offhand 临时的 [02:13.20]I gave an offhand guess that it's about three o'clock. [02:18.56]temporal 一时的暂时的 transient, momentary [02:22.73]temporary 临时的 momentary, make-do [02:27.31]contemporary 当代的 同时代的 [02:33.04]impromptu 临时的 即兴的 extempore, improvised (im不+promptu时间 不在时间表内) [02:39.05]The pianist gave an impromptu performance at the party. [02:43.28]occasional 临时的 偶然的 [02:47.60]The silence was broken by an occasional scream. [02:53.09]punctual 守时的 [02:57.01]Mary is punctual; she would never be late for an appointment. [03:01.99]instantaneous 瞬间的 即刻的 ephemeral [03:07.81]subsequent 随后的 后来的 following, later [03:14.14]Subsequent events proved the man to be right. [03:18.06]current 现今的 present [03:22.58]Recent reports will give the most current news about the accident. [03:28.50]He reads the newspaper every day to know the current events. [03:34.87]concurrent 同时发生的 sumultaneous [03:39.62]There were several concurrent attempts to climb the mountain. [03:45.51]extant 现存的 existing [03:49.26]nocturnal 夜间的 nighttime, nightly (noct夜+urnal diurnal 白天的) [03:52.87]An owl(猫头鹰) is an nocturnal bird, while a sparrow(麻雀) is diurnal. [04:00.13]former 以前的 ago, previous [04:03.18]My former students still kept in touch with me through e-mail. [04:09.61]formerly 从前 原来 preceding, foregoing [04:13.10]previous 以前的 [04:16.78]previously 从前 以前 earlier, formerly [04:22.94]eternal 永恒的 everlasting, perpetual [04:26.97]The bride and groom pledged their eternal love to each other. [04:32.21]permanent 永久的 constant, continuous [04:37.01]Anne took a permanent position with the law firm. [04:41.71]abiding 永久的 永恒的 enduring, lasting [04:46.37]dated 有年头的 陈旧的 [04:52.36]The dated movie was still quite entertaining. [04:56.62]overdue 逾期的 tardy, late [05:00.48]tentative 暂时的 temporary [05:04.03]Tentative measures have been taken to settle these refugees. [05:09.06]beforehand 事先地 in advance [05:14.55]Please make a reservation at the restaurant beforehand so we don't have to wait. [05:21.04]simultaneously 同时地 at the some time, concurrently [05:26.26]The two balls, big and little, hit the ground simultaneously. [05:32.37]recently 最近地 lately, currently [05:36.50]lately 最近 [05:39.55]duration 持续时间 为期 length [05:45.05]epoch 纪元 时代 age,era [05:49.23]interlude 间隔 插曲 interval, episode [05:54.75]era 时代 时期 period, age [06:00.87]schedule 时间表 计划表 calendar, timetable [06:05.63]juncture 时刻 [06:09.37]session 一段时间 一次 [06:13.05]A very dehydrated man can not drink too much water at one session, or he will get himself killed through water intoxication [06:23.62]elapse (时间)消逝 go by, pass [06:28.16]Time elapsed slowly while I waited for the bus. [06:32.88]concur 同时发生 [06:37.90]After hearing my point, Bill concurred(同意) with me. [06:42.85]improvise 即席而作 extemporize [06:46.80]The actor improvised a scene based on an audience's suggestion. [06:53.42]sunchronize 同时发生 concur [06:57.68]They synchronized their steps. [07:01.55]abruptly 突然地 唐突地 suddenly