convenient 便利的 方便的 Tom picked a convenient time to come for a visit. grateful 感谢的 thankful He can't help being grateful for his parents who brought him up in the war. gratitide 感谢 感激 auspicious 吉兆的 幸运的 有利的 promising favorable Spring is the auspicious time to begin new activities. cozy 舒适的 comfortable snug Sitting in front of a fire on a snowy day is quite cozy. fortunate 幸运的 lucky readily 容易地 easily quickly boon 恩惠 blessing benefit Having a parent who is a teacher is a real boon to the kids. bonanza 幸运 Winning the lottery(乐透) was a bonanza for the Browns. blessing 祝福 Mary gave a blessing before dinner. thrive 繁荣 旺盛 flourish, do well on The wild deer that throve here are no more visible due to deforestation(采伐森林).