haven 港口 避难所 shelter, refuge (heaven) refuge 避难所 shelter, protections depot 仓库n 把..存放在仓库里 house, contain auditorium 大礼堂 (audi听+t+orium名词字尾 表地点) The new auditorium had velvet(天鹅绒 柔软 光滑) seats. vault 拱形圆屋顶 地窖 block 街区 We know all the neighbors on our block. stall 厩, 摊位 stable, barn dormitory 宿舍 The prison dormitory is heavily guarded. tower 塔n 屹立 高耸 The skyscraper towered among the city. dwelling 住所 residence, shelter, accommodation A dormitory is the typical dwelling of a college student. forge 铁匠铺 canopy 天蓬 遮蓬