[00:11.14]laborious 费力的 艰难的 arduous, painstaking [00:17.00]Anne received a raise for her laborious efforts. [00:23.23]presipitous 陡峭的 急躁的 sheer, extremely steep [00:28.52]devious 曲折的 circuitous [00:31.46]The teacher gave us a devious explanation at first which confused us for a long time. [00:39.79]arduous 险峻的 困难的 difficult, strenuous, laboriious, back-breaking [00:44.65]The preparation for GRE is as long and as arduous work for a normal undergraduate. [00:53.71]strenuous 辛苦的 energetic, laborious [00:58.42]It is really a strenuous job be get well prepared for a GRE test. [01:05.26]plight (恶劣的)情势 困境 predicament,dilemma [01:09.94]I cried when I heard of the refugees' plight. [01:15.04]strait 困难 [01:18.73]painstaking 辛劳n 劳苦的 careful, scrupulous [01:24.23]dilemma 左右为难 困境 [01:29.48]I have the dilemma of choosing a new car or a new computer. [01:35.61]flounder 挣扎 (比目鱼) [01:38.74]The economy in southeast Asian continuse to flounder. [01:45.14]embarrass 使困窘 [01:48.79]Anne's older brother tried to embarrass her in front of her friends.