gorgeous 极好的 (gorge峡谷) The flower appears a gorgrous shape under the sun. outstanding 杰出的 obscure 无名气的 unknown, inconspicuous Jude, the obscure, was not treated as a celebrity in the banquet(宴会). immortal 不朽的 undying, everlasting notorious 臭名昭著的 infamous Bill is a notorious loudmouth. infamous 臭名昭著的 notorious, disgraceful My teacher is infamous for giving a great bulk of assignments. legendary 传奇的 renowned, famed glorious 光荣的 illustrious 辉煌的 著名的 famous, distinguished eminent 杰出的 outstanding, distinguished The eminent poet won numerous awards. deferential 充满敬意的 respectful, dutiful A teacher should not act too deferential to the students. exemplary 模范的 典范的 The principal rewarded Susan for her exemplary performance in school. matchless 无与伦比的 unbeatable, incomparable excel 优秀 胜过他人 superior, surpass, exceed Being a leader does not mean you should excel in everything; your talent lies in being able to manage the right persons. excellent 优秀的 杰出的 outstanding, preeminent compliment 赞美 祝贺 praise, commend The artist received many compliments on her paintings. complimentary 赞美的 praising The professor rarely makes complimentary remarks to students. renowned 知名的 acclaimed, distinguished, famous laudable 值得赞美的 praiseworthy, commendable supreme 至高的 highest, greatest The supreme ruler ordered the execution of his enemies. celebrate 赞扬 表扬 praise The names of many heroes are celebrated by the poets. celebrated 著名的 distinguished, famous notable 著名的 显要的 distinguished, celebrated One of our most notable poets won a Nobel Prize. noted 著名的 知名的 distinguished, celebrated exceptional 卓越的 extraordinary The exceptional tennis player won the championship. preeminent 卓越的 prominent, outstanding prominent 卓越的 突出的 conspicuous, protruding The prominent politician made an appeal to end the war. dignify 使尊荣 使显贵 ennoble, elevate The president dignified the gathering by giving a short speech. dignified 尊严的 高贵的 noble Bob gave a dignified response to the insult. dignity 尊严 The black robes of a judge give a look of dignity. bofty 高尚的 (loft阁楼 顶楼+y) He has lofty ideals about life. odor 名声 fame The scholar's doctrine is not currently in good odor. credit 信誉 trust, credence I could not get a loan from the bank because my credit was bad. feat 功绩 壮举 respect, reverence homage 敬意 respect, reverence deference 敬意 Mary's deference to her parents' wishes was expected. virtue 美德 morality, goodness prestige 威望 声望 fame reputation Our mayor's prestige is known throughout the state. grandeur 庄严 伟大 magnificence reverence 尊敬 respect, veneration awe 敬畏 reverence, veneration, dread I am always in awe of people who can cook well. esteem 尊敬 respect I have a great deal of esteem for my parents. commend 赞扬 praise The teacher commends him upon his good manner. exalt 称赞 提升 extol, laud, promote The campaign manager's speech exalted the candidates. exalted 尊贵的 noble The exalted prince entered the hall and everyone stood up. venerate 敬拜 崇拜 respect revere He was venerated as a god. embalm 使不朽 Ancient Egyptians used oils and natural substance to embalm the dead. tarnish 使晦暗 败坏(名誉)darken, lose luster The firm's good name was badly tarnished by the scandal. extol 颂扬 exalt Movie critics extolled the young performer's acting debut. laud 赞美 compliment, praise (laurel 桂冠 月桂树) They lauded the virtues of the old man. revere 尊敬 respect, worship The political leader was revered by the people of his country. admirable 可敬的 极好的 redoubted, wonderful The child's honesty was admirable. disreputable 声名狼藉的 notorious The newspaper reported about the senator's disreputable conduct. calssic 第一流的 respect 尊重 敬重 admire, esteem, honor My parents think that the contemporary young prople have no respect for authority. adore 敬爱 极喜爱 admire, love, esteem Grandpa adored Grandma from the day they first met. admire 钦佩 respect 赞美 夸奖 I have always admired my mother's charm. advocate 拥护 hold, maintain The social activist(激进主义分子) advocated change.