[00:11.54]glaring 瞪眼的 [00:15.48]grip 握紧 grasp, clasp [00:18.99]posture 人体的姿势 pose, bearing [00:23.16]grasp 抓紧 [00:27.57]Grasp the rope with both hands. [00:30.81]jerk 急拉 抽搐 [00:35.26]I felt a jerk when Bill hit the car brakes. [00:40.81]chuckle 咯咯的(地)笑 [00:44.78]The comedian couldn't get evena chuckle out of the audience. [00:50.37]flip 翻滚 overturn (用手指)弹 投 [00:55.15]The car ran off the road and flipped over in the ditch. [01:00.44]They flipped a coin to decide who go first. [01:05.60]stagger 使蹒跚 [01:09.38]The wounded man staggered along. [01:12.65]trudge 跋涉 吃力地走 plod, trek [01:17.92]The soldiers trudged through the thick mud. [01:22.46]fasten 扣牢 抓住 affix, attach [01:26.84]In Europe even passengers sitting on the back seats need to fasten their seat belts. [01:34.64]hurl 猛投 猛冲 throw, fling [01:38.77]He hurled the brick throught the window. [01:42.24]face 面对 confront [01:45.38]The audience faced the speaker. [01:49.22]leap 跳跃 jump [01:52.91]The dog leapt over the fence. [01:56.55]bow 弯腰 屈服 [02:00.72]Bill bowed to his parents' wishes and went to law school. [02:06.46]blink 眨眼 wink [02:09.94]Every time we take John's picture, he blinks. [02:14.39]erect 直立 straight [02:20.03]He could erect a tent(帐篷) in 10 minutes. [02:24.40]trample 践踏 蹂躏 tread, crush [02:28.97]The neighbor's dog trampled my tulips(郁金香). [02:33.14]tremble 发抖 摇晃 shake, shiver [02:36.54]I tremble at the very thought of it. [02:39.74]glide 滑动 溜走 [02:43.64]The tip of the pen glided across the sheet of paper. [02:48.72]depart 离开 出发 leave, set off [02:52.74]What time does the train depart? [02:56.04]slump 猛然落下 drop, lapse [02:59.48]He slumped down to the floor in a faint. [03:03.13]gaze 凝视 stare [03:06.82]It is impolite to gaze at a stranger's face. [03:11.19]creep 爬 蹑手蹑脚 crawl, move slowly [03:15.37]We crept upstairs so as not to wake the baby. [03:20.23]limp 蹒跚 瘸着走 [03:24.30]He limped off the football field. [03:28.26]sigh 叹息 [03:31.72]"I wish I had finished this work," she said with a sigh. [03:36.42]recoil 后退 退缩 reteat, withdraw [03:40.65]The little girl recoiled at seeing the dead cat. [03:45.34]uphold 举起 支撑 support, sustain [03:50.28]The soldier upheld the flag proudly. [03:54.84]grab 摄取 抓住 snatch, rob [03:59.08]The poor boy grabbed his chance to become a millionaire. [04:04.22]stride 跨越 step, pace [04:07.79]He strode angrily into the classroom. [04:11.44]thrust 力推 push, shove [04:15.04]We thrust our way through the mass of people. [04:19.07]gnaw 啮 bite [04:21.82]She gnawed anxiously at her fingernails. [04:25.82]spew 呕吐 eject, gush [04:30.18]She spewed up the entire meal. [04:34.29]dab 轻拍 [04:37.82]Don't press it, just dab it gently. [04:42.01]plunge 投入 dive, sink [04:45.18]We plunged into the icy mountain lake. [04:48.80]dart 投掷 hurl, throw [04:51.71]She darted an angry look at him. [04:54.66]shove 推挤 push, jostle [04:57.94]Shove over, friend, and make room for me. [05:01.64]drag 拖动 tow [05:04.90]Billy dragged the toy duck behind him. [05:08.93]haul 拖曳 拖运 drag, transport, pull [05:13.73]They hauled the boat up onto the shore. [05:17.33]shake 摇 震动 [05:20.48]She was shaking with laughter. [05:23.63]jolt 摇动 shake, jar [05:26.95]The coach stops and starts jolting the passengers. [05:31.84]embrace 拥抱 hug, cuddle [05:35.06]The students tearfully embraced each other on their last day of school. [05:40.33]heave 用力举起 拖 [05:44.54]He heaved the box of books, onto the table. [05:49.16]slap 掌击 拍 clap, blow [05:53.49]He slapped her for what she has done. [05:57.90]clutch 抓住 掌握 grab, grip [06:02.38]The crying child clutched her father around the neck. [06:07.00]flush 脸红 n/v [06:10.43]He flushed with anger. [06:13.50]sprawl 伸开手脚 stretch (crawl爬) [06:16.19]He found her sprawled out in front of a comfortable chair asleep. [06:21.54]sway 摇摆 [06:24.99]She swayed her body in time with the music. [06:28.93]spring 跳跃 [06:32.70]The waiting tiger sprang at his prey. [06:36.70]footbeat 跺脚