[00:10.33]土地 [00:12.88]Deserted 荒废的 [00:15.80]He finds no prosperity in town but deserted street and shabby buildings. [00:22.79]Desolate 荒凉的 [00:26.55]The desolate mining town was once a booming center of activity. [00:31.65]Bleak 荒凉的 [00:37.04]High Andes are bleak, treeless regions. [00:41.49]Sterile 贫瘠的;不育的 [00:46.78]The “Great American Desert” was once assumed as a sterile region. [00:53.11]Barren 贫瘠的;不孕的,荒地 [00:59.70]Many people think of deserts as barren regions, but many species of plants and animals have adapted to life there. [01:09.44]Agrarian 有关土地的,耕地的 [01:14.64]Clay 粘土,泥土 [01:18.35]Clod 土块