[00:07.62]defunct 死的 dead, demised [00:14.22]Those rules of etiquette(礼节) have been defunct for years. [00:19.31]lethal 致命的 fatal, deadly [00:22.45]deadly 致命的 fatal, lethal [00:24.91]Don't be scared; it's not a deadly wound. [00:28.56]demise 死亡 death, end [00:31.71]The country mourned(哀悼) the president's demise. [00:35.56]choke 窒息n 使窒息v suffocate, block [00:39.43]My lawn mover has a choke(堵塞) that I have to adjust frequently. [00:44.17]smother 使窒息 闷死 stifle, suffocate [00:48.42]The murderer smothered his victim with a pillow. [00:52.98]expire 断气 perish [00:56.67]John's driver's license expired last week. [01:01.09]mortal 终有一死的 凡人n [01:05.52]All mortals, however outstanding, are to die one day. Anything one man can imagine, other men can make real. -Jules Verne