[00:11.15]inconceivable 不可思议的 unimaginable unthinkable [00:15.29]uncanny 不可思议的 离奇的 odd strange [00:20.18]marvalous 不可思议的 了不起的 [00:24.61]breathtaking 惊人的 惊险的 stunning exciting [00:29.57]astound 使惊异 surprise astonish [00:33.52]The daredevil(铤而走险的人) astounded the audience with a dangerous feat. [00:39.48]astonish 使惊讶 amaze astound surprise [00:43.01]The magician astonished the children. [00:46.45]astonished 惊讶的 [00:50.13]A hush fell over the astonished crowds as the governor announced his resignation. [00:56.77]incredible 难以相信的 unbelievable improbable [01:00.82]striking 显著的 惊人的 prominent outstanding impressive [01:05.53]His black skin and white teeth consist a striking contrast. [01:11.37]tremor 颤抖 战栗 apprehension alarm [01:15.48]trapidation 惊恐 战栗 [01:19.79]petrify 使发呆 stupefy terrify [01:23.26]I was totally petrified with fear. [01:26.70]scare 惊吓 使受惊 terrify [01:31.92]The dog scared the thief away. [01:35.23]startle vt使大吃一惊 amaze surprise n吃惊 [01:40.50]The official hinted at startling new development that would soon be made public. [01:47.15]stun 使昏晕 使口瞪目呆 astonish daze amaze [01:52.44]He was stunned when he knew he failed the exam, which he had been prepared for months. [01:58.89]dismay 使惊愕 使沮丧 disconcert,alarm [02:05.11]The loss dismayed the team members, who had practiced so hard.