indefatigable 不疲倦的 tireless, dogged (in 不+de表强调+fatig疲倦+able) sensuous 感觉的 美感的 Advertisements use sensuous colors to appeal to the audience. faint 昏晕的 He felt faint for a moment. ravenous 极饿的 famished, starving listless 倦怠的 没精打采的 sluggish, lifeless I feel so listless, I think I need a nap. beat 疲倦的 exhausted, tired, worn out I can't move a bit. I am beat. downhearted 无精打采的 depressed, downcast We were all downhearted all the death of our friend. daze 昏晕n 使发昏 茫然 dazzle, confusion The driver recovered slowly from her daze after the accident. intuition 直觉 starve 使挨饿 Come on, where is the food? I am starving. hunger 饥饿 She hungers for his love. famish 使挨饿 When's lunch? I am famished. exhaust 使疲倦 use up, drain The children thoroughly exhausted their mother's patience. gorge 塞饱 Boys gorged themselves with candy.