hilarious 高兴的 delightful exultant 欢腾的 狂欢的 happy, jubilant brisk 活泼的 轻快的 swift, energetic A brisk walk before breakfast is a good way to start the day. gleeful 极高兴的 兴奋的 delightful, exultant joyous 快乐的 高兴的 exalted 兴奋的 exited The exalted prince entered the hall and everyone stood up. blessed 愉快的 amused, blithe They enjoyed a few moments of blessed silence after the whole day's noise. pleasing 愉快的 blithe, amusing Because the meal was so pleasing, I left a large tip for the server. pleasure 快乐 enjoyment elation 得意洋洋 John's elation is apparent from the huge smile on his face. ecstasy 恍惚 狂喜 Mary was in ecstacy when she won the piano competition. excitement 激动 兴奋 刺激 Excitement flowed through the crowed when the famous athlete entered the room. bliss 狂喜 acstasy Jane was in a state of bliss after getting her degree. rapture 狂喜 ecstasy delight (rapt着迷+ure) tingle (因兴奋)激动 The uncertainty of national events made his blood tingle. brighten 使快活 His face brightened up. enrapture 使狂喜 delight, exult Her smile enraptured him so he would not move his eyes. ravish 使陶醉 使狂喜 He was ravished by her beauty, and forgot that she was ravishing his fortune.