[00:09.23]insane 发狂 精神错乱 crazy [00:15.94]The murderer was judged to be insane and was then released. [00:21.85]crazy 狂热的 [00:25.55]The crazy defendant was declared unfit to stand trial. [00:30.66]radical 激进的 severe, extreme [00:33.94]The American Revolution is not a radical one, but a gradual evolution. [00:39.15]radically 激进地 drastically [00:42.51]mania 颠狂 狂热 [00:46.69]frenzy 狂热 great excitement (frantic 疯狂的) [00:50.07]fanatic 狂热的 狂热者的 frantic, fervent [00:54.62]fanaticism 狂热 盲从