jealous 妒忌的 envious, resentful 猜疑的 indifferent 冷漠的 不积极的 uninteresed, nonchalant people were annoyed at the boss's indifferent attitude toward those who died in the accident. profane 亵渎(的)humiliate, disrespectful Please don't profane things that are sacred to other people. flatter 奉承 谄媚 He was good at flattering others. begrudge 羡慕 嫉妒 grudge, stint, envy, admire She begrudged his youth. desperate 不顾一切的 绝望的 estremely serious Mary was desperate for a raise because her bills were mounting. contrite 悔悟的 repentant, remorseful The driver who caused the car accident was very contrite over it. forlorn 绝望的 被遗弃的 wretched, lonely