benevolent 慈善的 charitable, generous Some benevolent soul donated clothes to the orphanage. munificent 慷慨的 generous, biberal (muni礼物+fic做+ent) charity 施舍 benevolence, altruism 慈善 事业 The charity's goal is to help people help themselves. charitable 慷慨的 慈善的 generous, benevolent Because is was Susan's first offense, the judge was charitable and gave her probation. generous 慷慨的 大方的 lavish, handsome generously 宽大地 obliging 施恩的 愿帮忙的 helpful He was so thankful for the obliging hostess who took care of him when he was ill. sympathetic 同情的 和谐的 liberal 心胸宽大的 lenient, broad- minded 慷慨的 instrumental 有帮助的 significant, useful gainful 有利的 有报酬的 profitable, lucrative He kept on teaching in a small collegem, though he knows this job is not gainful. benefit 对...有益处 Volunteer work benefits society. beneficial 有益的 profitable, lucrative Mary's college classes were beneficial to her career path. prop 支持 support, mainstay Her daughter was the only prop to the old lady during her illness. redress 救济 compassion 怜悯 同情 sympathy Everyone felt compassion for the mourning family. assist 辅助 aid, help A nurse assisted the suegeon during the operation. extricate 救出 使解脱 release, liberate Jane extricated herself from an unhappy relationship with her boyfriend. donate 捐赠 contribute, present Steve doneted the old couch(床 睡椅) to charity. raise 募捐 He raised one million to help the orphan. bestow 赠予 He was bestowed the honor of "hero citizen". rescue 拯救 save The firefighter rescued six people from the burning building. charmpion 支持 support Bill championed the party's nominee(被 提名人) for president. salvage (海上)救护 抢救 recover, rescue I was able to salvage some data from the ruined cumputer file. save 拯救 rescue adopt 收养 introduce Because the Johnsons couldn't have children, they adopted an orphan.