shift 转移 替换 change, alteration workers in this factory work on 3 shifts. dissipate 驱散 消散 disappear The fog is dissipating. deal 处理 You need to learn how to deal with problems like this. dispose 处理 丢掉 deal with, get rid of Man proposes, God disposes. bestow 应用 使用 On this interesting story I bestowed much thought. exert 施加 He exerted more influence on the committee than anyone else. displace 转移 My computer has displaced my old typewriter. tackle 处理 deal, handle Susan tackled the problem and solved it easily. transact 处理 deal, manage These two companies often transact business over the phone. discard 丢弃 reject I tried to discard the old toys, but the children found them and put them back in the toy box. utilize 利用 use, make use of Efficient workers utilize time wisely. harness 利用 utilize Before steam engine was harnessed in the large machinery, the efficiency was very low. arrange 排列 put together, plan The florist arranged the roses in the vase. reject 抛弃 cancel 取消 call off, nullify The boss canceled the meeting. undo 取消 cancel, annul What is done cannot be undone. delete 删除 erase, remove from References to places of battle were deleted from soldiers' letters during the war. contrive 设计 plan Baby-sitters contrive ways to amuse the children. implement 实现 carry out, fulfil, execute Once we made a plan, the remaining task would be to implement it. effectuate 使实现 The scientists effectuated a shockwave. glean 收集 collect, gather The scientists were delighted at these information gleaned from the investigation. purge 消除 clear, purify The old tycoon did a lot of good deeds to purge away his sins. erase 消除 eliminate Bill erased his mistake before turning in his assignment. eradicate 根除 eliminate, get rid of, remove One of the major goals of the government is eradicate poverty in poor areas of China. efface 消除 erase Weathering(侵蚀风化) has effaced the inscription(题字碑铭) on the tombstone( 墓碑) so that people cannot read it. despatch 迅速处理 dispose The chairman despatched the meeting in 20 minutes. forsake 遗弃 抛弃 摒绝 abandon, desert I had to forsake my smoking habit bacause I was having trouble breathing. adopt 采用 foster Susan adopted a strict diet when she learned she was sick. process 处理 treat These materials are to be processed before they can be used. scrap 废弃 abandon 抛弃 放弃 discard, give up He abandoned his wife and went away with all their money. jettison 抛弃 丢弃 discard The manager jettisoned the whole marketing plan.