[00:12.13]impulsive 推动的 propelling, driving [00:15.42]hasten 催促 赶紧 hurry, quicken [00:19.02]She hastened her to go to work. [00:22.01]urge 推进 催促 advocate, encourage, impel, press [00:25.89]The teacher urged on the necessity of sufficient practice to achieve a high score. [00:32.66]prod 刺激 proke, spur [00:35.33]Bob is lazy; he won't do any work if he's not prodded into it. [00:41.31]stimulate 刺激 激励 激发 motivate, encourage, incite, actuate [00:47.21]The mass was stimylated by his words and burded Caesar's house. [00:53.98]promote 促进 [00:57.71]The go-between tried to promote relationship between the boy and the girl. [01:03.90]further 促进 增进 advance, promote [01:07.61]He wants to further his education in China. [01:11.80]elicit 得出 引出 provoke [01:15.96]After much questioning among the people concerned, the headmaster at last elicited the truth about the incident. [01:24.87]instigate 鼓动 prompt [01:28.35]He instigated the ending of a free working lunch in the company. [01:33.06]encourage 鼓励 urge [01:36.51]The coach encouraged Jimmy to practise more often. [01:41.07]inspire 鼓舞 激发 fire the imagination, encourage [01:44.90]I was inspired to work harder than ever before. [01:49.97]evoke 唤起 arouse, produce [01:53.39]Bill's soft voice evoked a feeling of peace and calmness. [01:58.82]arouse 唤起 awake, evoke [02:03.16]A book with a very colorful cover aroused Bill's interest. [02:08.87]kindle 激起 [02:13.48]Her cruelty kindled hatred in my heart. [02:17.01]intensify 加强 enhance, strengthen [02:20.79]The general intensified the defense of the northern border by sending more troops there. [02:27.47]fortify 加强 strengthen, feinforce [02:30.98]We fortified the bridge with extra supports. [02:35.74]propel 推进 促进 deive, push forward [02:38.81]The football player propelled the ball forward with a goog kick. [02:43.97]foment 引发 incite, stir up [02:47.37]The event fomented widespread public opinion. [02:51.68]incite 引起 激动 煽动 arouse, provoke, stir [02:56.79]Troublemakers who incite riots(暴动) are under arrest. [03:01.89]impulse 推动 urge, momentum [03:05.19]spur 刺激 鞭策 stimulate, provoke, urge [03:09.09]Spurred by his encouraging students, the teacher started to talk about his first love. [03:15.68]prompt 鼓动 stimulate, motivate [03:18.97]The man confessed that poverty prompted him to steal.