[00:09:00] 干涉 [00:11:00] conciliatory 善于调解的 one of the diplomats made a few conciliatory suggestions that helped bring about the truce [00:22:00] hurdle 障碍 [00:27:00] barrier 栅栏,屏障,障碍 the barrier between the desks give both the workers some privacy [00:37:00] barricade 障碍物 the students errected a barricade on campus as a protest [00:46:00] obstacle 障碍 [00:49:00] snag 障碍 the ship stroke a snag near the bank of river [00:59:00] forestall 预先阻止 bill forestalled a major crisis by taking care of small problems before they became worse [01:10:00] intercede 调停,求情 whenever i argued with my brother my parents would intercede [01:19:00] intercept 中途拦截,阻止 john threw the football on susan but bob intercepted it [01:30:00] intervene 干涉 the brothers wouldn't stop arguing until their mother intervened [01:40:00] interfere 干涉,干预,妨碍 please stop interfering this is none of your business [01:50:00] meddle 干预 few people like someone who meddles in the affairs of others [01:59:00] tamper 干预 the sectrytary tamper the prime minister's schedule [02:07:00] mediate 调停 the UN is resposible for mediating between two countries which are at war [02:16:00] balk 妨碍 his plan was balked [02:22:00] hinder 妨碍 the tall fence hindered the children from going to lake [02:31:00] hamper 妨碍 the fierce strom hampered our efforts to get to town by sunset [02:40:00] handicap 妨碍,使不利 a soar thorat handicaped the singer [02:49:00] incapacitate 使不能 poor health incapacitated him from work all of his life [02:49:00] prevent 阻碍 his laziness prevented his career [03:06:00] clog 阻碍 the accident clogged the highway and casued a traffic jam [03:14:00] stunt 阻碍 the barren enviroment stunt the tree from developing into a big one [03:25:00] encumber 阻碍 there is a hiker who was encumber with the heavy pack [03:34:00] obstract 阻碍,妨碍 some paper got in the sink and obstracted the drain [03:45:00] foil what untimately foiled his vivtory is his character [03:52:00] block 阻碍the tree blocked our view