[00:08:00] 坚持 [00:11:00] irreconcilable 不能妥协的 [00:15:00] indomitable 不屈不挠的 [00:20:00] sturdy 不屈地 the sturdy bridge withstood the shaking of the earthquake [00:29:00] obstinate 固执的 [00:34:00] bigoted 固执己见的 the bigoted manager refused to hire minority workers [00:42:00] persistent 坚持不懈的 i told the persistent salesman to leave me alone [00:49:00] inflexiable 坚定的 [00:54:00] steadfast 坚决、坚定、不变的 [01:00:00] unshaken 坚决的、不动摇的 [01:05:00] durable 耐久的、耐用的 this very durable watch is both waterproof and shatterproof [01:16:00] tough 强硬的、坚硬的、粗暴的 that cop is really tough, she never let any burger go away out of her hand [01:29:00] headstrong 顽固的 [01:32:00] stuborn 顽固的 [01:36:00] tenacious 抓住不放的、顽强的 the tenacious applicant soon get the job [01:44:00] resolute 坚决的 [01:47:00] hardheaded 顽固的 [01:51:00] stoically 坚韧的 [01:55:00] fortitude 坚韧、刚毅 the soilders were given a medal for their fortitude during the battle [02:07:00] resist 坚持 he could resist no longer [02:12:00] remain 保持、逗留 he reamin at the hime for the whole day waiting for his lovely girlfriend to come [02:23:00] perserve 坚持、不屈不挠 you will need to perserve if you want business to succeed [02:34:00] perserverance 坚定不移 [02:38:00] maintain 坚持 no matter how hard we tried to persuade him, he maintained his wrong idea [02:47:00] insist 主张、坚持说 she insisted that she never wanted to play hero in the battle