[00:08:00] 理解 [00:11:00] intelligible 可理解的 [00:15:00] evident 明白的 the happy couple's love for each other is evident [00:23:00] explicit 明确的、清楚的 the new tax law is explicit/that type of certificate is tax exempt [00:35:00] elusive 难懂的 the boy was annoyed by the elusive words while reading the story [00:44:00] mysterious 神秘的,难以理解的 [00:50:00] ignorant无知的,不了解的 he who is ignorant of the situation can't really understand me [00:59:00] ignorance 无知 [01:04:00] grasp 领会、理解 it is said you do not need to have a grasp of english language to test well [01:17:00] comprehend 理解 i could not comprehend the instructions for operating the computer [01:27:00] comprehensive 综合的、有理解力的 a comprehensive survey was used to determine public opinion