[00:10.81]colossal 巨大的 immense, huge (希腊神话Colossus 大力神的名字) [00:14.63]Bill made a colossal mistake when he bought that used car. [00:19.65]spacious 广大的 宽敞的 roomy, capacious [00:24.78]Working in a spacious room contributes to one's working efficiency. [00:30.16]expansive 广阔的 可扩张的 可膨胀的 extensive, large [00:35.52]The book's expansive index listed hundreds of important items. [00:42.12]prodigious 巨大的 colossal, enormous (prodig巨大+ious) [00:45.58]I have a prodigious amount of work to do before I leave. [00:49.75]massive 巨大的 heavy, huge, enormous [00:53.19]Doctors prescribe massive doses of penicillin for patients with pneumonia(肺炎). [00:58.73]enormous 巨大的 huge, vast, immense, tremendous [01:02.51]We prepared an enormous dinner because wu were very hungry. [01:07.15]mighty 巨大的 powerful, strong [01:10.69]vase 巨大的 大量的 gigantic, huge, immense, tremendous, broad, enormous [01:16.31]tremendous 巨大的 惊人的 huge, great [01:20.71]immense 巨大的 无限的 [01:26.27]titanic 巨大有力的 huge, immense [01:35.03]The politician tried to reduce the titanic deficit(赤字). [01:37.01]commodious 宽敞的 spacious, capacious, roomy [01:39.47]broad 宽的 广泛的 wide, general [01:42.37]loose 宽松的 [01:45.38]bulky 庞大的 笨重的 cumbersome [01:49.09]The bulky boxes won't fit in the trunk of the car. [01:52.64]capacious 容量大的 宽敞的 spacious