[00:10.33]detach [00:13.55]Sally detached the spray nozzle from the house. [00:17.54]detached [00:20.78]The house has a detached garage rather than an adjoining one. [00:25.75]solitude [00:30.39]sever [00:33.84]The road was severed at several places. [00:37.00]rend [00:41.45]The cruel enemies rend the child away from his mother. [00:46.15]segregate(alienate) [00:50.34]Solid and liquid are segregated and then mixed again in the experiment. [00:56.21]disunite [01:00.93]He managed to disunite the links of a chain. [01:04.70]scatter [01:09.06]The farmer scattered the corn in the yard for the hens.