Mmmm mmmmmm~ There’s no time like the present To mentioned you’re the one There’s no time like the present To throw away that gun We got way too much, life left in us to let our fall far us where you start So take my hand and now will lead you On the past through redemption Whoo whoo whoo whoo whoo whoo whoo whoo whoo whoo whoo whoo whoo Whoo whoo whoo whoo whoo whoo whoo whoo whoo whoo whoo whoo whoo Everything is as it should be, everything is as it should be Everything is as it should be, everything is as it should be It's not part of our duty to be played by the past It’s not part of our purpose to let the history last We got way too far, learned so much left that stuff behind So let’s move on down the road And be greeted with the bright sun shine Whoo whoo whoo whoo whoo whoo whoo whoo whoo whoo whoo whoo whoo Whoo whoo whoo whoo whoo whoo whoo whoo whoo whoo whoo whoo whoo Everything is as it should be, everything is as it should be Everything is as it should be, everything is as it should be Everything is as it should be, everything is as it should be Everything is as it should be, everything is as it should be Everything is as it should be, everything is as it should be Everything is as it should be, everything is as it should be