No space 空间不足 L-shaped 预留给 L型 Tetris 俄罗斯方块 Tile seeking 而它寻求着 Somewhere 某处 Oh somewhere 在某处 To fit in 得以容身 Alien 难民 Oh, coming out of the woodwork 噢, 幽灵般地惊现 Chest bursts like John Hurt 随之胸腔爆裂,如约翰·赫特(英国演员)那般 Coming out of the woods 而他则来自丛林 AK 卡拉什尼科夫式 Twenty 12 架 47 1947 年产 Civilian 平民百姓 Oh, coming out of the woodwork 噢, 从阴暗的角落出现 Chest bursts like John Hurt 随之胸腔爆裂,如约翰·赫特(英国演员)那般 Coming out of the woods 而他来自丛林 Jeremiah 耶利米(《圣经》故事人物) Looking down 低垂着双眼 and you know where you're looking on down 话说 环视的四周你还认识 Do you know where you go 那你是否知道你要逃向何方? You're headed on the strings 你只能俯首系颈 For the 然后一字一句 E-X-T-I-N-C-T 讲述“灭绝” Jeremiah“流泪的先知” Looking down but you know where you're looking 低下了眼 但你还认识这一切 but you go 但你要离开 Do you know where you go 但你又能去哪? You're headed on the strings 你只能俯首系颈 For the 一字一句 E-X-T-I-N-C-T 讲述“灭绝” Oh, coming out of the woodwork 他们幽灵般地惊现 Chest bursts like John Hurt 接着胸膛撕裂,正如克里斯托弗神父(《杀戮禁区》约翰·赫特饰) Coming out of the woods 而他来自丛林 Oh, coming out of the woodwork 他们幽灵般地惊现 Chest bursts like John Hurt 接着胸膛撕裂,如同克里斯托弗神父 Coming out of the woods 敞开心扉 来自丛林