Love has 4 legs and a nose that’s never dry and those never-wandering eyes of the most forgiving hue some day I’ll learn to be open as your ears and as quiet as your tongue as persistent as your tooth but ’til that day I’ll watch you’re every move while I’m wiping up your youth It must be puppy love ‘cause I’m cleaning up that piss again It must be puppy love ‘cause my shoes are chewed to bits again, yeah I wasn’t looking for much just something to hold me down And that hamster didn’t need me enough so I put him in the ground [after he died of natural causes, come on] Though everyone around me told me not to play the fool I couldn’t help but throw myself into my father’s shoes It must be puppy love cause I’m cleaning up that poop again it must be puppy love cause clumsiness is cute again it must be puppy love I’m freezing while you sniff the world it must be puppy love you’ll choke yourself to catch a squirrel (idiot) it must be puppy love I’m paying for this free-range food argghghgh it must be puppy love ‘cause everything just makes you puke I don’t what it is that makes me love you like this when all you give is teeth and piss I know that’s not fair, I know you also bring a houseful of hair, too I just… I just wanna choke you out ok ok, you’re just a baby you’re just a baby now I get it you just wanna play with me now well how bout we wait ’til daddy is fully awake I’m sorry, I’m sorry I didn’t mean to yell let’s get you back into your cell and it puts the lotion on its skin