„so this is what we got from pushing everyone around: the old ones burning out, the young ones full of doubts and maybe i'm just jealous of the emotions in your way that helped you to throw all of this away. or is it just me feeling left out from what seems to keep everyone alive, or did i just miss all the safety announcements in all these years throughout my life that tried to warn me and protect me from myself? and the last shows have been alright and ten years is a long time. and the last shows have been alright and ten long years is a long time. at first we were all the same: making plans, fueling the flame. pints of lager made us strong, getting them for free made us go on. then we got rid of all distractions, putting our plans into action. motivation was here to stay and our frustration led the way. but now we lost it! we kept ourselves too busy all the time. unreliability slowly seemed to rhyme with all the output and all the drinking inbetween for those who do, and for those who don't know what i mean for those with a plan and for those not knowing what to do, and for those about to drop out, we salute you! maybe i'm just jealous of the emotions in your way that help you to throw all of this away.“