Broken glass under a poison half-moon On some shattered highway that goes nowhere at all Wraps around its prey like a concrete serpent in the acid rain With fangs fastened around my throat I choke on the fumes as the world in a blur Falls away but leaves me clouded and hollow Blood on my hands, and a thing in the backseat That used to be human Flying on the highway, trying to outrun me Drained of thought, but the broken glass, it haunts me Glittering like gems or sparkling like evil rainfall That turns to steam in the heat Ugly, hot, and shaking With the thing in the backseat It seeps through the plastic shroud… As I push the needle faster and further Coronas around the judging eyes of streetlights Mad with thirst, almost enough to lap up iridescent rain Just a little further, but the pupils of night are diminishing Subtle By the time the smog sets in to eat away the morning I should be somewhere, praying that I’m dreaming