[00:02.260] [00:06.622]Blending hard core rock hip-hop and electronic [00:09.548]Linkin Park has established a sound that easy to identify but hard to classify [00:15.765] [00:17.646]I don't know whenever there is been like diffucult times in my life which there is been quite a few [00:22.322]I've just put the CD in and I listen to it and its helped me a lot just because [00:26.945]I don't know if thats sound cheesy or not but it seriously has [00:30.420]I'd say that the word are like the best part of the album [00:33.894]and the musics are like great too I just [00:36.323]that would be my reasoning for that I don't think there is anyway that you cannot like any of the sounds [00:42.619]The band combined the hard hitting rythem of Michael Kenji Shinoda [00:46.145]The melodic vocal of Chester Bennington,the bone-crashing beats of Rob Bourdon [00:51.553]The vicious guitar riffs of Brad Delson,the pounding bass of Phoenix Farrell [00:56.620]and last but not least,Joseph Hann's slip sliding decks [01:00.643]Yeah people,this band kicks ass [01:04.065]Very strong rythem Very strong rythem. [01:05.920]I mean as long as you know everytime you listen to the radio stations and like you watch MTV or VH1 [01:11.406]or any of these music stations just by you know showing the videos or constently play the songs on a radio [01:18.615]over and over again you can't help but falls into it. [01:21.280]and you can't help but want you know their music, their CDs,their posters.All of the above [01:28.020]So how did all of this happened? Where did it all begin? [01:31.729]Well it didn't happened overnight.These guys has done their tour of duty another band [01:36.117]But if you want a starting point you have to go back a few years [01:39.853]Mike and Brad attended the same high school in Agoura it was here that they start to mess around with music [01:45.522]and met up with drummer Rod Bourdon. [01:47.481]Soon after the guys won their first band Xero [01:51.895]This included fellow Linkin Park members Phoenix and Joe [01:54.926]Brad haven't met Phoenix at UCLA,and mike haven't met Joe while studing illustration at Pasadena Art center [02:01.770]Yeah,I believe there were yeah they been sense since they were young and that definitely help growing up playing together [02:08.222]and sure contribute to you know graduate to all of their processers [02:13.708]they've been spend so much time together and they know they can be conbined together [02:17.678]and two of us for a *** year and they could spend a week in a recording studio twelve hours a day [02:23.660]And I'm sure you know starting knowing each other for so long and growing up playing together [02:29.512]and very intimate with each other [02:32.098]and how they gonna react to each other personally and musicaly specially [02:36.826] [02:45.107]The lead singer I been listening Mike. I definitely like him just I guess 'couse he is the one like sing the words [02:53.283]and like that's who I daily listening to. I 'm not sure who write the song,do the rhyme together or not [02:58.612]But I definitely see all of them together see them also I've gone MTV at the word ever played in. [03:05.221]they all like seem to like be influence [03:09.087]*everything from hip hop stuff like Black Star the roots back to more like transbonding star [03:17.995]*elemental visionaries word.Ronnie side effect twins like cash mode [03:24.212]I like the driving the pulsing,I like motivitional music, music you can listen to and that will pump you up [03:31.056]It will get you ready for you know any kind of whatever you need to prepare for [03:35.680]when there is a test for school or driving on the freeway [03:39.990]anything that's gonna just you know get you pumped and get you ready make you feel confident and motivated [03:44.535]the guys play for fun at first before setting up their first major show at Whisky a Go Go on Sunset Boulevard LA [03:52.215]The show is really energetic and we like the kids to be as well [03:56.082]So been in a standing venue could be great because you know we'll go out there [04:02.090]and they will freak out we gotta one more playing and stuff [04:06.165]and whole lot stuff is pretty important [04:07.915]Wow the Vally ,you know the Vally is really deverse,ethnically and musicly [04:15.987]You have Jazz,back institute places right here, [04:20.140]you know winin fifty yards of this place you have Jazz bands going on and punk bands going on [04:29.100]Vally had a pretty decent hard core theme. [04:32.627]North hollywood start to have a couple more different music areas plces where you can go [04:40.646]The west Vallly is kind of bad.Actually you can go for another new place,maybe about two miles north from here [04:48.091]So there will be the main competition, [04:50.416]but I think I'm looking at a verge of a big LA music explosion leads to some people noticing from the media or [04:58.749]some big bands coming out here within the next year [05:02.694]the larger focus on what's going on here [05:06.403] [05:13.221]Yeah, I would definitely say that there been from south California that's definitely prevalent in there sound [05:21.659]You can tell they are not a Hollywood band, they are west Vally band you can tell [05:25.682]That's for sure that there are many more peaceful a little more serene [05:30.122]but they still have the ad,they still have the California edge if you calling that [05:33.858]but you can tell there music isn't jaded in some of the other places like Hollywood or New York [05:43.262]But they are also not you know from the middle of nowhere try to emulate the band of one of those area [05:49.192] [05:52.144]They must've been pretty good because some of the music publisher saw them and sign them there and then [05:57.786]Well the A&R man today as against when I manage to became an A&R person of chain considerably I mean the traditional word [06:05.335]A&R mean artist and repertoire back when I was originated [06:09.541]it was the A&R man was the man who sign the artists, found the material for the artists [06:15.340]found the range of the band leader,*help studio did all of that [06:19.050]Today the A&R world is much different, most acts of conteporary field are self-contained [06:25.554]so you gotta a A&R person who seeks talent,who um signs talent [06:31.824]and then work and coordinate the recording brings the producer working with the others [06:38.328]There are some act who don not write,the A&R person involve will as I have done with artist like Celion Dion. [06:45.616]Find songs for them,and bringing various producers appropriate for the singer and the song. [06:50.867]So the world of A&R is changing considerably. But the basic of the person is searches for the works with talent [06:57.554]Two years later and after a slight of a line up change, [07:00.846]Chester Bennington joined the band after the guys heard his vocal remix of one of their demos [07:04.999]He was so excited when they asked him to try out that he ran out of his own birthday party and go work on his demo [07:11.556]the band love what he has done and ask chester to join the band. [07:15.239]He soon left Arizona and jump on a first plane in LA [07:18.766]The thing that we saw on Chester right away is that he is someone who should be doing sing for his whole life [07:26.655]and I am someone who has been rapping for my whole life,so that's just felt very natural you know [07:31.592]We spent a lot of time working out what we were doing(some ages you wannna be chatter) [07:35.797]and he like me a lot and I can't stand him [07:37.809]With the band line-up complete,the band changed their name to Hybrid Theory to celebrate their new look [07:45.672] [07:51.236]The next few month the guys work hard on their demos and sent them out to just about anyone who would listen [07:56.800]Lucky for them it was the Warner Brothers who had their ears glued to the stereo [08:00.666]I think that its really taugh, I think that in the case of Linkin Park, [08:04.297]I think,you know I have a lot of respect to the fact that [08:07.902]they been able to stay on the top 20 charts for well over a year, [08:12.500]and that's huge and one of those things Bennington and I was talking about part you coming here [08:15.817]is that they had a buzz prior to them even when getting signed and I think that's a huge thing [08:20.127]and I think that's the huge thing and the industry start to hear wow you gotta start to start check on this Linkin Park band [08:23.497]They gonna be really great they gonna be huge . [08:24.934]Some part of it the kids has the the kid appeal anyway but I think you'll get something told [08:30.446]that it is gonna be big and for hearing it on the radio and they see them in MTV [08:34.390]and they'll like the way they look then you can now get longer [08:39.144] [08:47.660]Well in a general sense ,we look to find the artist.it depends on the kind of music that you working with. [08:56.046]But in the general sense ,to me I think we've gotten away in this day and age we got away a lot from it , [09:02.054]we have a tendency to jump on the quick trends and not really worry about the artist's integrity out of it [09:07.409]But in truth I still think of the need for great artists. [09:10.988]In real when you look for that you are looking for someone who are a artist or band who the A&R person's opinion [09:21.384]has the potencial to be successful for a long period of time. Has something special about them that stands out [09:29.926]What kind of gimmicks you do right? can make people like our band [09:36.849]and the problem is we coundn't come out with anything so we are kind of forced to play our songs [09:43.092]The Undergrounds sort of graft through kind of viral sort of marketing I think is one way, [09:51.399]and some of these bands by the time they get signed they already havea mailing list to vote, a hundred thousand kids. [09:58.060]So there is that way but also I think there is a old way whitch is [10:02.188]just been you know anointed for success by a major who can marshal this massive [10:09.345]promotional resources behind you.Almost preordained the hit.especially among the steam marketing I think [10:18.932] [10:25.149]Getting into the music industry is just,its just one big test . [10:28.989]You know it's a test about everything,it's a test of your stamina, [10:32.490]it's a test of how many time can you be rejected and still believe yourself . [10:36.565]It's a test of you know can you basicly maintain your composure not freak out and strangle someone who just [10:43.148]jerk you over for tens of thousands of dollar . [10:45.812]It's everything you know you never really at the top, [10:49.391]you might think you are at the top but I don't think anyone really is [10:51.951]If you try to break into the industry,just you have to just believe in yourself [10:56.157]and try to meet as many people as you can .Never give up [10:59.997]Um...you know I guess obviously there is something interesting in what I'm doing it means the world to me . [11:06.449]Every little dropback anyone ever gives you a compliment you just have to be as humble as you can be [11:11.046]and just thank them .It doesn't even matter how huge or which or whatever [11:14.991]you gave you have to matain that same atitude as humble as you possible can be [11:19.719]and just keep adding persistence that's how I get through [11:24.134] [11:28.548]They have sertain labels,I mean most labels you have in California just because the whole of philosophy [11:35.654]in Southern California should be able to show how much wealth do you [11:39.206]have and be able to live whatever American dream you may think there may be . [11:44.248]But you know for a label,most labels arould here just purely appropriate labels center in [11:49.499]with the radio stations just wanna play whatever is popular . [11:54.645]They wanna play whatever is the softest thing and whatever what they call the corporate rock [12:01.567]you have like insane and all those little band just copy each other and it's more like a state show. [12:09.091]And personally I think that music should be more about platform to be able to get a real messenger cross [12:17.450]and you know I just named it right now [12:19.566]solve the problems you have in the world and the United States people should actually be saying something [12:24.477]rather than just talking about nothing like their girl friend and something stupid [12:29.518]There was a problem though ,turns out there was another band called hybrid theory . [12:38.139]So the guys have to come up a new name .It was Chester who came to a rescue. [12:43.311]He recalled how he used to drive pass Lincoln Park in Santa Monica on his way to band practice. [12:48.274]He relly like the name,and so did the other guys.With that Lincoln Park was born. [12:54.831]If you want people to know about you,you gotta have a website man. [12:58.410]It's here that your fans can learn all about you,listen to your music [13:02.459]and see those tour photos you wouldn't want to show your mom. [13:05.985]I definitely think so that way,cause even for the people younger than me like they like to look it up [13:10.792]and see what's going on and they really like the band in that way. [13:13.613]They are updated and they can see what's going on with tours, [13:17.322]that's just that's the best you can see your favourite band like playing live [13:22.181]