Now is the time to shine on So throw down your lies 今(いま)燃(も)え 上(あ)がれ 炎(ほのお)よ This is the time to shine on Oh don't close your eyes 走(はし)り 続(つず)けろ There's no end to your mind Painted smile 足(あし)がもつれたままで 缲(く)り 返(かえ)すよ midnight cruise Dying fire 打(う)ち 砕(くだ)かれた 心(こころ) 愈(い)える 事(こと)なく Twisted smile 隠(かく)れ 続(つず)けたままで 离(はな)れらぬ captured world Blazing fire 何度(なにど)でもかけ 昇(のぼ)れ 蜃気楼(しんきろう)を 照(て)らし 出(で)せ No one sees the place you get to 永远(とわ)の 诗(うた)を 求(もと)め 行(い)け Let us go again today 灼热(しゃくねつ)の 時(とき)へ Yes your time's just begun Now is the time to shine on So throw down your lies 今(いま)燃(も)え 上(あ)がれ 炎(ほのお)よ This is the time to shine on Oh don't close your eyes 走(はし)り 続(つず)けろ There's no end to your mind No one knows your destination 永远(とわ)の 诗(うた)を 求(もと)め 行(い)け Let us go again today 灼热(しゃくねつ)の 時(とき)へ Yes your time's just begun Oh,still standing on the road Don't stop! Shine on! This is the time to shine on Oh don't close your eyes 走(はし)り 続(つず)けろ Don't look away Now is the time to shine on So throw down your lies 今(いま)燃(も)え 上(あ)がれ 炎(ほのお)よ This is the time to shine on Oh don't close your eyes 走(はし)り 続(つず)けろ There's no end to your mind!