Last night I saw one of them in my dream Last night I chased one of them in my dream They say “We speak in different voices when fighting with the ones we’ve loved” I know we also speak that way when looking after our own I like to play hide and seek But before you count 50 I’m sure I will get tired I think I’d rather seek I know that you speak in different voices Don’t be afraid show me who you are ここに無いものを求めて 回り廻る私に 言の葉を紡ぐあなたへ この歌を Last night I saw one of them in my dream Last night I chased one of them in my dream Last night I saw one of them in my dream Last night I chased one of them in my dream They say “we speak in different voices when fighting with the ones we’ve loved” I think we always speak that way but on the edge of life I like to play hide and seek But when you count 100 I realize at last I’d like to go away 形つけては並べて 積み上げては崩して 目に映るものはすべて 幻で 言葉はどこにでもあるの (Show me) そこには心はあるの (Who you are) すべて失ったあと 見えるでしょう