Ass to Ass with you! 和你臀对臀 Ass to Ass with you! 和你臀对臀Ass to Ass with you! 和你臀对臀Ass to Ass with you! 和你臀对臀 At the rave we were bumping I can feel his body pumping 我们一边浪叫我能感觉到他身体的颤动 As he moves in to mine then he really starts to wind 他进入我的时候开始疯狂的抽动 He tells me this ting and dat ting to make me come undone 他对我说着情话让我泻下劲来 Then he whispers in my ear 然后他对我耳语道 Girl I want to see them going Ass to Ass with you! 姑娘我想看他们和你臀对臀 (I want to see them going) Ass to Ass with you! 我想看他们和你臀对臀 (He wants to see me going) Ass to Ass with you! 他想看你和我玩臀对臀