When the sins of my father 当我父亲的罪行 Weigh down in my soul 让我的灵魂感到负罪的时候 And the pain know my mother 还有我妈妈的痛苦 Will not let me go 让我难以释怀的时候 Well I know there can come fire from the sky 我知道天空中可以爆发火焰 To purify pure as the canes 可以像魔杖一样净化世界 Even though 虽然 I know this fire brings me pain 我也知道那火焰会带给我痛苦 Even so 即使这样 And just the same 我也不会改变 Make it rain 下雨吧 Make it rain down low 下起倾盆大雨吧 Make it rain 下雨吧 Make it rain 下雨吧 And the seas full with water 一整个海洋的水 That stops by the shore 都被海岸所阻挡 Just like the riches of grandeur 就像是拥有巨大的财富 That never go on reach the port 却从未到达港口 Well let the claps fill with thunderous applause 好吧 让雷鸣声响起吧 And let lightning be the veins 让闪电肆虐 And fill the sky 摧毁天空 With all that they can drop 那样就会坠落下来了 When it's time 是时候 To make a change 做出改变了 Make it rain 下雨吧 Make it rain down, Lord 下雨吧 主啊 Make it rain 下雨吧 Make it rain 下雨吧 Make it rain 下雨吧 Make it rain down, Lord 下雨吧 主啊 Make it rain 下雨吧 Make it rain 下雨吧 Make it rain 下雨吧 Make it rain 下雨吧 Make it rain 下雨吧 Make it rain 下雨吧 Make it rain 下雨吧 Make it rain down lord 下雨吧 主啊 Make it rain 下雨吧 Make it rain 下雨吧 Make it rain 下雨吧 Make it rain 下雨吧 Make it rain 下雨吧 Make it rain 下雨吧