when theodora's in the ground what am i to wrap my bones around? at least 'til the hangman cuts me down from my home i didn't mean to wear you thin yeah i swear santiago lured me in and i saw you get caught up in the spin a circular pilgrimage don't cross off what you lost though she was flawed, i know maybe there's something else there i saw you lose another bet don't turn reactionary yet what does a reign of terror get but a real bad rap? so i just gave you a reprieve took all your laughing misery guess it was all apostrophe directed against my ghost that pose reddened our clothes but we wouldn't show our skin so we kept it all on never knew why you arranged to keep me at bay for half my age but if you ever did open up the cage i wouldn't leave and when you're hanging by a thread don't you belong to what you've said? isn't it waiting in your bed every night applaud, yeah we were wrong and life is too long credits from Antarctica In Color, released 30 September 2014