[ti:毕业时间] [ar:LIL EM] [al:MUSAPE] [ar:LIL EM] [ti:毕业时间] [al:MUSAPE] [00:03.46] [00:05.20] [00:07.24] [00:08.64] [00:16.86]This is the celebration time at least [00:19.79]Everybody know [00:20.84]we want some miracle want some time to get reduation [00:24.77]If someone give me some chance i will get refreshment [00:28.85]But this is impossible so [00:31.59]I just let it go [00:32.98]没错没错 我们即将毕业 [00:34.57]但毕业后应该怎么办(怎么办) [00:36.92]回去开个唱片公司兄弟们你们怎么看(怎么看) [00:40.95]歌线代强导致我走投无路 [00:43.64]但我觉得并不惨 [00:44.93]因为这个制度腐败的就像一只流浪的狗 [00:48.18]一样惨 [00:49.57]你们看 [00:50.27]转眼之间我们已经到了城关 [00:52.86]就算前方是一片荆棘 [00:54.80]可迟早会一马平川 [00:56.94]装备 已经到达了标配 [00:59.13]面前的困难 我们失之交回 [01:01.27]别总以为你自己做的都对 [01:03.21]就算低着头也不会得到小费 [01:05.85]This is the celebration time at least [01:08.83]Everybody know [01:09.88]we want some miracle want some time to get reduation [01:13.76]If someone give me some chance i will get refreshment [01:17.85]But this is impossible so [01:20.54]I just let it go [01:21.98]回忆 就在昨天 就像过眼云烟 [01:25.76]时间 过得太快 仿佛就在弹指之间 [01:30.14]站上了新的起跑线 我想起了我们见的第一面 [01:33.92]每天过得太快忘了看时间 [01:35.72]在地平线迎来新的一天 [01:38.10]陌生的环境看着我 [01:40.05]有种怀疑的眼神盯着我 [01:42.04]陌生的城市我也尝试过 [01:44.03]从头到尾一切我也挫败过 [01:46.12]但无论结果有多糟 [01:48.17]还是屋顶塌下来压着我好 [01:50.41]上进的精神永不败 [01:52.25]继续开拓未来再见二脉 [01:54.84]This is the celebration time at least [01:57.77]Everybody know [01:58.87]we want some miracle want some time to get reduation [02:02.70]If someone give me some chance i will get refreshment [02:06.89]But this is impossible so [02:09.53]I just let it go [02:11.12]This is the celebration time at least [02:14.16]Everybody know [02:15.11]we want some miracle want some time to get reduation [02:19.09]If someone give me some chance i will get refreshment [02:23.22]But this is impossible so [02:25.81]I just let it go