[00:09.796] JOE: [00:10.747] Hi there, Myron [00:11.786] MYRON: [00:12.257] How's it hanging? [00:13.295] JOE: [00:13.628] I've got a date with Sheldrake [00:14.954] MYRON: [00:16.054] I'm shooting a Western down at Fox [00:18.067] JOE: [00:18.330] How can you work with Darryl? [00:20.087] MYRON: [00:20.791] We should talk [00:21.387] JOE: [00:21.696] Gotta run [00:22.733] BOTH: [00:22.909] Let's have lunch [00:23.889] MARY: [00:24.001] Hi, Mr. Gillis [00:25.165] JOE: [00:25.336] You look great! [00:26.304] MARY: [00:26.636] I'm up for an audition [00:28.289] JOE: [00:28.854] Sheldrake is driving me insane [00:31.226] MARY: [00:31.651] Don't forget me when you're casting [00:33.223] JOE: [00:33.659] We should talk [00:34.349] MARY: [00:34.635] Gotta run [00:35.464] BOTH: [00:35.854] Let's have lunch [00:36.670] JOE: [00:37.184] Morning, Joanna [00:37.935] MARY: [00:38.440] Hi, there Myron [00:39.328] JOANNA: [00:39.647] Who are you meeting? [00:40.489] MYRON: [00:40.762] You look great [00:41.569] JOE: [00:41.725] Sheldrake, but do I need it [00:43.332] MARY: [00:43.524] I've spent the last month fasting [00:44.309] JOANNA: [00:44.859] I'm handing in my second draft [00:45.550] MYRON: [00:46.520] I'm shooting a Western down at Fox [00:46.770] JOE: [00:48.783] I'd really love to read it [00:49.233] MARY: [00:50.246] Don't forget me when you're casting [00:51.996] JOANNA: [00:52.243] We should talk [00:52.843] MYRON: [00:52.939] We should talk [00:53.795] JOE: [00:53.880] Gotta run [00:54.621] MARY: [00:55.283] Gotta run [00:55.897] ALL FOUR: [00:56.118] Let's have lunch [00:56.505] JOE (spoken): [00:57.364] Yeah, I had an appointment with Mr. Sheldrake [00:58.491] JONES (spoken): [00:59.024] Name? [00:59.592] JOE (spoken): [00:59.988] Gillis. Joseph Gillis [01:01.032] JONES (spoken): [01:01.694] All right, sir, you know your way? [01:02.912] JOE (spoken): [01:03.714] Yeah [01:06.106] FIRST FINANCEMAN: [01:06.489] We want the keys to your car [01:07.732] SECOND FINANCEMAN: [01:08.684] You're way behind with the payments [01:10.204] FIRST FINANCEMAN: [01:10.646] Don't give us any fancy footwork [01:13.489] SECOND FINANCEMAN: [01:13.664] Give us the keys [01:15.671] JOE: [01:16.009] I only wish I could help [01:18.272] I loaned it to my accountant [01:21.023] He has an important client down in Palm Springs [01:25.784] Felt like shooting the breeze [01:28.385] FIRST FINANCEMAN: [01:28.605] Are you telling us you walked here? [01:31.263] JOE: [01:31.426] I believe in self-denial [01:33.806] I'm in training for the priesthood [01:36.326] SECOND FINANCEMAN: [01:37.127] OK, wise guy, three hundred bucks [01:38.972] FIRST FINANCEMAN: [01:39.192] Or we're taking the car [01:40.412] SECOND FINANCEMAN: [01:40.795] We have a court order [01:42.118] JOE (spoken): [01:42.317] I love it when you talk dirty [02:28.069] SAMMY: [02:28.231] Bless you, Joseph [02:29.172] JOE: [02:29.357] That you, Sammy? [02:30.749] SAMMY: [02:30.913] How do you like my harem? [02:32.829] JOE: [02:32.968] How come you get such lousy breaks? [02:35.475] SAMMY: [02:35.614] One learns to grin and bear 'em [02:37.507] GIRLS: [02:37.670] This is the biggest film ever made [02:41.071] JOE: [02:41.187] What're you playing? [02:42.114] ANITA: [02:42.336] Temple virgin [02:43.671] DAWN: [02:43.810] Handmaiden to Delilah [02:44.995] JOE: [02:45.215] Let's have lunch [02:47.073] Gotta run [02:49.453] You've got to find me a job [02:51.856] I'm way behind with my payments [02:54.352] I thought you were meant to be my agent [02:57.092] I need some work [02:58.914] MORINO: [02:59.216] I only wish I could help [03:01.666] This town is dead at the moment [03:04.232] There's been this slowdown in production [03:08.330] JOE (spoken): [03:08.528] Who is this jerk? [03:09.931] MORINO: [03:10.152] He's my wunderkind from Broadway [03:13.253] Every major studio wants him [03:15.946] YOUNGER MAN: [03:16.132] Playing one against the other [03:18.047] JOE: [03:18.349] What I need is three hundred bucks [03:21.530] MORINO (spoken): [03:21.832] Maybe what you need is a new agent [03:26.974] JOE: [03:27.405] Hello, Artie [03:28.229] ARTIE: [03:28.472] Joe, you bastard! [03:29.528] JOE: [03:29.750] You never call me any more [03:31.874] ARTIE: [03:32.093] Found a cuter dancing partner [03:35.427] How are things? [03:36.251] JOE: [03:37.029] Not so great [03:37.887] ARTIE: [03:38.583] Will this help? [03:39.373] Twenty bucks? [03:40.174] JOE (spoken): [03:40.384] Thanks, you're a pal [03:41.893] ALL (spoken): [03:42.508] Good morning, Mr. DeMille [03:45.217] Hi Mr. DeMille [03:46.908] SHELDRAKE: [03:47.245] This is Sheldrake [03:48.325] Bring some water [03:49.683] Get me that shithead Nolan [03:52.365] Nolan, sweetheart [03:53.788] Great to talk [03:54.786] This draft is so much brighter [03:57.120] You're the best [03:58.003] Even so [03:58.885] I've hired another writer [04:01.292] SECRETARY (spoken): [04:01.884] Mr. Gillis [04:03.068] SHELDRAKE: [04:03.289] Joe! What the fuck brings you here? [04:04.787] JOE (spoken): [04:05.170] You wanted to see me [04:06.006] SHELDRAKE (spoken): [04:06.203] I did? What about? [04:06.748] JOE (spoken): [04:06.945] "Bases Loaded." It's an outline for a baseball picture [04:07.747] SHELDRAKE (spoken): [04:08.637] So, pitch [04:08.930] JOE (spoken): [04:09.929] It's about a rookie shortstop. He's batting .347. The kid was once mixed up in a holdup. Now he's trying to go straight [04:13.807] SHELDRAKE (spoken): [04:14.404] Wait a minute. Wait a minute. I think I have read this. Somebody, bring in what we've got on... [04:17.522] JOE (spoken): [04:18.502] "Bases Loaded." [04:19.008] SHELDRAKE (spoken): [04:19.442] ..."Bases Loaded." [04:19.953] JOE (spoken): [04:20.208] They're pretty hot for it over at Twentieth [04:21.086] SHELDRAKE (spoken): [04:22.282] Good! [04:22.989] JOE (spoken): [04:23.292] But can you see Ty Power as a shortstop? [04:25.161] ENSEMBLE: [04:25.405] Let's have lunch [04:26.902] BETTY (spoken) [04:27.169] Here's that "Bases Loaded" material, Mr. Sheldrake [04:28.911] I made a two-page synopsis for you, [04:30.606] but I wouldn't bother to read it [04:32.265] SHELDRAKE (spoken): [04:32.405] Why not? [04:33.589] BETTY (spoken): [04:33.763] It's just a rehash of something [04:34.623] that wasn't very good to begin with [04:36.283] SHELDRAKE (spoken): [04:36.549] Meet Mr. Gillis. He wrote it [04:37.967] ENSEMBLE: [04:38.547] We should talk [04:40.683] SHELDRAKE [04:40.904] (spoken) [04:41.101] This is Miss Kramer [04:42.088] BETTY (spoken) [04:42.587] Schaefer. Betty Schaefer. [04:43.585] And right now, [04:44.085] I'd like to crawl into a hole and pull it in after me [04:46.301] JOE (spoken) [04:46.465] If I could be of any help... [04:47.730] BETTY (spoken) [04:47.882] I'm sorry, Mr. Gillis, I couldn't see the point of it [04:50.504] JOE (spoken) [04:50.667] What sort of material do you suggest? [04:52.502] James Joyce? Dostoyevsky? [04:52.710] BETTY (spoken) [04:54.626] I think pictures should at least try to say a little something [04:57.006] JOE (spoken) [04:57.168] I see you're one of the message kids [04:58.945] I expect you'd have turned down "Gone With the Wind" [05:00.385] SHELDRAKE (spoken) [05:00.605] No, that was me [05:01.743] ENSEMBLE: [05:02.045] Gotta run [05:03.588] BETTY (spoken): [05:03.925] And I guess I was disappointed [05:05.620] I've read some of your other work [05:07.048] and I thought you had some real talent [05:09.219] JOE (spoken): [05:09.347] Yeah, that was last year. This year I felt like eating [05:11.180] BETTY (spoken): [05:11.343] Well, I'm sorry, Mr. Gillis [05:12.064] SHELDRAKE (spoken): [05:12.261] Thank you, Miss Kramer [05:14.907] Well, looks like Zanuck's got himself a baseball picture [05:18.565] ENSEMBLE: [05:19.540] We should talk [05:20.329] Gotta run [05:21.269] Let's have lunch [05:22.582] JOE: [05:22.779] You've got to give me some work [05:25.089] I'll take whatever's on offer [05:27.388] There must be some shit that needs a rewrite [05:29.884] Throw it my way [05:31.521] SHELDRAKE: [05:31.718] I only wish I could help [05:34.388] There's no spare shit at the moment [05:36.885] Remember the greatest writers starved in garretts [05:40.843] Didn't care about pay [05:42.945] JOE: [05:43.258] Are you trying to be funny? [05:45.487] SHELDRAKE: [05:45.719] I believe in self-denial [05:48.506] Gives a man some moral backbone [05:50.688] JOE: [05:51.105] Can you loan me three hundred bucks? [05:53.602] SHELDRAKE: [05:53.800] I'm sorry, Gillis. Good-bye [05:55.378] JOE: [05:56.672] I just love Hollywood [06:00.209] CROWD (MYRON, CLIFF, SAMMY, MORINO, KATHERINE, LIZ, MARY, JOANNA, DAWN, ARTIE, JOHN, ANITA, ADAM, LISA) : [06:01.301] Morning, Joanna / Where've you been hiding? / Hi there, Lisa [06:04.087] I hate this weather / You look great / What're you doing? [06:06.989] This is the biggest film ever made / I'm trying to make my mind up [06:09.543] Guess I was born to play her/ They're talking nominations [06:12.563] What is my motivation? / You should go work for Warners / Is your new script with Sheldrake? [06:15.603] We shoot next month / Let's drive to Vegas this weekend [06:18.447] I'm handing in my second draft / It's between me and Dietrich [06:21.199] I'd really love to read it / I'd know just how to light you [06:23.521] It won't work / I've landed a big Broadway show/ I'd know just how to light you [06:24.573] We should talk [06:26.093] Gotta run [06:27.312] Let's have lunch! [06:28.554] Hi, good morning [06:29.820] Aren't we lucky? [06:31.074] Going to work with Cukor [06:34.533] Paramount is paradise [06:39.936] Movies from A to Zukor [06:42.617] We should talk, gotta run [06:44.603] Let's have lunch [06:45.775] We should talk [06:46.843] Gotta run [06:47.841] Let's have lunch! [06:49.803] JOE(spoken, to BETTY): [06:51.045] Come to get your knife back? [06:52.857] It's still right there, [06:53.937] Right between my shoulder blades