夢見たこの場所は ずっと夢見たあの場所か? 何度問いかけたって 答えはどこにもない 僕に見えるものが 君に見えなくても 存在の理由までが消えるわけではない 君が諦めた景色を 僕は何度か見てきたけど そこはまるで無法地帯 見れたもんじゃない (I need) No more lyric that tells a lie. & No more music that makes money. I know It's contradiction. Because maybe I love it. Count my fingers. 1,2,3,4,5 & Count my buddies. 1,2,3,4,5 I know (that) we are still alive. I believe we can do everything. かつてこの場所にも平和があったという 力を持った馬鹿が ほぼ壊してしまった 何より一番大切な 僕らに必要な言葉は 上辺だけのゴミに埋もれ 見つけられない (I need) No more lyric that tells a lie. & No more music that makes money. I know It's contradiction. Because maybe I love it. Count my fingers. 1,2,3,4,5 & Count my buddies. 1,2,3,4,5 I know (that) we are still alive. I believe we can do everything. 地獄に居続けりゃ 角の1本や2本生えてくる それを握りつぶして 何度も夢を見直す (I need) No more lyric that tells a lie. & No more music that makes money. I know It's contradiction. Because maybe I love it. Count my fingers. 1,2,3,4,5 & Count my buddies. 1,2,3,4,5 I know (that) we are still alive. I believe we can do everything. おわり