Red River Shore 红河边 Some of us turn off the lights and we live 有一些人关了灯了 In the moonlight shooting by 而在月光的照射下,我们依然生活着 Some of us scare ourselves to death in the dark 在黑暗中有些人恐惧得要死 To be where the angels fly 而在那儿也有天使在飞 Pretty maids all in a row lined up 美丽的少女排成行 Outside my cabin door 在我的小木屋门外 I've never wanted any of 'em wanting me 我从没有奢望,她们中的某一位会青睐我 Except the girl from the red river shore 除了红河边的那个姑娘 Well I sat by her side and for a while I tried 哦,我坐在她旁边 To make that girl my wife 不是的,我想让那个姑娘做我的爱人 She gave me her best advice and she said 她给了我她最好的建议 Go home and lead a quiet life 她说,回家吧,去过平静的生活 Well I been to the east and I been to the west 哦,我去过东方也到过西方 And I been out where the black winds roar 即使我到过狂风肆虐的地方 Somehow though I never did get that far 但无论如何,我和红河边的那个姑娘 With the girl from the red river shore 从未去过那么远的地方 Well I knew when I first laid eyes on her 我知道,当我第一次看到她时 I could never be free 我就不再自由 One look at her and I knew right away 一看见她我就知道 She should always be with me 她将会是我的 Well the dream dried up a long time ago 哦,这样的梦在很久以前已干涸了 Don't know where it is anymore 梦已不知道去了哪儿 True to life, true to me 但对我来说,那是真实的 Was the girl from the red river shore 那个红河边的姑娘 Well I'm wearing the cloak of misery 哦,我披着痛苦的外衣 And I've tasted jilted love 我已品尝过逝去的爱 And the frozen smile upon my face 脸上挂着凝固的笑容 Fits me like a glove 像套在我脸上一样适合我 Well I can't escape from the memory 哦,我不能逃离记忆 Of the one I'll always adore 那个我爱慕的人儿 All those nights when I lay in the arms 所有的夜晚,当我枕着她的臂膀 Of the girl from the red river shore 那个红河边的姑娘 Well we're living in the shadows of a fading past 哦,我们生活在逝去的过往的阴影里 Trapped in the fires of time 我已被时光之火紧紧套牢 I've tried not to ever hurt anybody 我曾尝试不要伤害任何人 And to stay out of the life of crime 且远离那些罪恶的生活 And when it's all been said and done 但当罪不可避免时 I never did know the score 我不知道结果会是什么 One more day is another day away 一天一天在溜走 From the girl from the red river shore 那个红河边的姑娘 Well I'm a stranger here in a strange land 哦,我只是异乡异客 But I know this is where I belong 但我知道这里是我的归属地 I'll ramble and gamble for the one I love 为了爱,我孤注一掷 And the hills will give me a song 山丘也会为我唱歌 Though nothing looks familiar to me 即使一切对我都很陌生 I know I've stayed here before 我知道我以前来过这里 Once a thousand nights ago 在一千个夜晚之前 With the girl from the red river shore 和那个红河边的姑娘 Well I went back to see about her once 哦,我曾回去看过她一次 Went back to straighten it out 回去想要弄清楚 Everybody that I talked to had seen us there 和我交谈的每个人都在那儿见到过我们 Said they didn't know who I was talking about 说他们不知道我在说些什么 Well the sun went down on me a long time ago 哦,很久以前夕阳西下时 I've had to pull back from the door 我曾不得不被推出那扇门 I wish I could have spent every hour of my life 我希望我能和红河边的姑娘 With the girl from the red river shore 共度生命中的每时每刻 Now I heard of a guy who lived a long time ago 现在,我听说很久以前有一个小伙子 A man full of sorrow and strife 一个充满了悲观失望的好斗分子 That if someone around him died and was dead 如果他身边的某个人死去, He knew how to bring 'em on back to life 已经死了的人,他知道怎样使他们复活 Well I don't know what kind of language he used 哦,我不知道他用的是什么语言 Or if they do that kind of thing anymore 或者他们是否还做这样的事情 Sometimes I think nobody ever saw me here at all 有时候,我想根本没人看到过我在这儿 Except the girl from the red river shore 除了那个红河边的姑娘