There will always be Young Souls that can ’t reform Tossed into life ’s storm They ’ll try their sails Before they will be forewarned When the going comes and just won ’t let you be How is it that you see What will enslave you,,what will set you free? Give it all away again,just playing for today Got to go away again and throw it all away Leaving everything,,moving to another town Willing to play the clown Forgetting that each up Will have a down Packing a case and carrying my guitar Look up and see how far Away up in the sky there hangs a star Give it all away again,just playing for today Got to go away again and throw it all away There will be some folks that never will agree With the majority About what is real and what is fantasy There will always be them folks that can ’t reform Tossed into Life ’s storm They ’ll tear their sails before they will conform