As the new world is ushered in Sold out one by one with a stroke on your forehead He's marked you for death Your protector, your leader, a calloused man in sheep's clothing Your saviour, the deceiver, serpentine in the form of a man This is the foundation of your demise The serpent has cast its spell Razor wire tongues and hollowed out eyes Crafted the ultimate lie The question still beckoning an answer Your latest technologies proved futile and the resistance crushed under foot Their bodies were pulled into the sky Their bodies were pulled into the sky As the new world is ushered in Sold out one by one with a stroke on your forehead He marked you for death Your protector, your leader, a calloused man in sheep's clothing Your saviour, the deceiver, serpentine in the form of a man Every loophole exploited Every security network shutdown Cast out from your own ****ing planet As the new world is ushered in You have all been sold out one by one with a stroke on your forehead You have been marked for death Deceiver, the man of many faces Deceiver, the man of many faces