作词 : Keifer Everybody thinks it's so easy 众人皆以为轻而易举 Everybody thinks it's so fine 众人皆认为事事顺利 But everytime I get a little closer to the top 但每次一步步向顶端接近 I find myself at the end of the line 环顾同侪中 却仍敬陪末座 You take a slow ride up 按部就班力争上游 And* а* fаst one down 爬的愈高却摔的愈重 Nothin's gonna stop you spinnin round and round 被万事驱使著 旋转不已 Everybody's talkin at me 众人都对我说三道四 But nothin's soundin right 但全是无的放矢 They say my future's lookin brighter 他们说我前途光明 But I don't see no light 我却不见丝毫光芒 I got a bottle of hurricane 手中一股飓风 满腔待爆发 It gets me high as a kite 它让我情绪高涨 好似风筝轻飘升空 Now the rain's pissin down 此刻大雨无情落下 and the storm is in sight 风暴就在眼前 When the shit hits the fan 那些狗屎东西 狠狠打击我的翅膀 You gotta stick to the fight 还是必须坚持奋斗 Everybody says the world owes me 众人说 世界欠我 Everybody wants a free ride 想搭便车者比比皆是 Well let me tell ya mister 那麼先生 让我告诉你 If you never raise a blister 正如从没经过出水泡般的磨难 Then you might as well have laid down and died 软弱如你 就只能等著躺下死亡 Cause you ain't gettin' out 遑论有所收获 What you don't put in 倘若不曾努力付出 You're never gonna make it if 永不成功 Your head is in a spin 你脑袋天旋地转 Can you feel the heat, yea 你能感觉到热浪袭击而来,YEA Comin' down on you 正降临身上 When it all comes down watcha gonna do 当一切终究降临 究竟如何是好 Feel it comin' down on you now 感觉一切全降临身上 Can ya feel it, feel it, feel it comin' down on you, yea 感觉到了吗 一切全降临了 Can ya stick to the fight when the heat's comin' down on you 当热浪袭击而来 还能坚持搏斗吗 When it all comes down 一切终究降临 Ah, take me 全拿去吧 When it all comes down, yea